news from creator of game. (me)
1 year ago

0.6 is comming soon! busy workin on new game! if not believe i create game, check page on mayro 64 ds

pls giv mod!1!1!

United States

Is that true? I thought Version 0.6 would never release. I will make you moderator if you (singular) do at least one speedrun & if you (singular) read the timing/game rules & if you don't randomly delete things. If my trust in you grows, I may make you super moderator if you (singular) (do) not make other peeople who you (singular) (do) not know or who are untrustworthy/cheaters. If you (singular) want changes to the leaderboards, please contact me.

ok!1! also thanks for making speedrun page for gaem! might giv an early version of 0.6!!!

United States

Its name can be Version 0.55.

submitted a run

btw the name of the 2nd level is "whops fortess"

United States

What is that "new gaem"?

supra mayro sunshien

United States

You (singular) are welcome.

United States

You (singular) probably have to ask people to speedrun within a 0.6 trailer in order for the competition to even be a competition.

Estadísticas del juego
Últimas noticias

the day 0.6 releases (full game) first person to beat it with the fastest time in 100% receives a early version of the next mayro game.

1 year ago
Últimos hilos
Publicado 1 year ago
7 respuestas
Publicado 1 year ago
9 respuestas