7 years ago
Texas, USA

Starting the timer at the click of New Game makes sense, but there is an un-skippable cut-scene right at the beginning. Just wondering other peoples thoughts on when Time should start. I feel ending on the last hit on Jinx should stay as it is as its the final input you make on the game.


Time starting on selecting new game makes sense, its easy and consistent to do.

I like time ending on last hit of Jinx, and not the start of the cut scene. Its a more definitive end to me.

Victoria, Australia

I feel like timing starting on first frame you can move is a good idea, kinda like Ratchet & Clank 1 does it

Texas, USA

The standing argument that I have agreed with is "look at Super Mario Sunshine" Our time until we gain control is only 2 minutes and 35 seconds. With the next large cut-scene being in the first level and taking a whopping 37 seconds at the end of the level (Yes, I have timed it, it annoys me)

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