Inactive moderation?
4 years ago

ive submitted a run a bit go (around 1 week) and thought id take a look if the moderators are active bcs i dont wanna wait months for my run to be verified.

Turns out they all have not been on the site for 1month+ and 2 of them longer than a year. i wouldnt mind taking over moderation but id want someone else that actually knows the game a little more than me. since i dont even have a run on the lb. Is anyone able to contact them? i have contacted them with the stuff they have linked but no one responded yet.

Pennsylvania, USA


I don't know how to contact the moderators. I submitted a run 5 months ago... It says "awaiting verification"... I made a guide... I'm not a speedrunner--I just like super crate box.

I think we need some more categories, like 100 crates or 100%. And does the game version matter?... i.e... Steam or desktop?

I'd love to help you out. It sounds like you know your way around I'm not sure how to become a moderator or anything.


I have requested moderation for this leaderboard. We might get our runs verified soon lol. Oh and yea i agree more or other categories might be good. I will let you know when i have more info.

Great news ! i got added as a moderator for this game. Ive verified a bunch of old runs ( most of the players are long gone and inactive) 10 in total if we count mine too. If there is anything, just ask me. Im pretty much everyday on the site.

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