Castlevania / NES / Super Metroid Tas thinking for SGnG
1 year ago
Milwaukee, WI, USA

I have knowticed that many of the top speedgames have found new glitches / expliots / despawns/ ACE in resent years but nothing w/ ghouls! Made me think to spark up the notion of some of these top TAS'ers that find stuff for SM, CV, other nes games like NG to take a fresh look on SGnG! Anyone here reading this post looked into screen-wraps/ clips/ despawns/ out of bounds major glitches for SGnG ? I am sure there has been some "digging" but has anyone recently just hardcore looked for new ways to break the game ? I was thinking of reaching out to some of the modern TAS'ers for these other top games , people that really know there hex values and how to find new glitches and have them take a look. Surely there must be some cool stuff out there for this early SNES title . Maybe if the right person got interested in searching something new could be found. maybe a screenwrap to despawn bosses? Maybe new strange clips that fling you up the tower walls/ idk it seems like this game hasn't been broken in a while!

Bavaria, Germany

Hi there. Here is one of these top SM TASers and as it turns out, based on extrapolating, generalizing from older game crashes and wild shenanigans involving 2 chest wizards' spells to hit Arthur with such spell while already having been transformed shortly beforehand that have been found by others, and with help from Sniq, another SM TASer, to determine and confirm if ACE was reached, I've found ACE to be possible not only in the 2nd or the last stage, but already near the end of the 1st stage upon realizing that the potential for it could be there due to similar ACE-allowing behavior of glitches in other games and putting it to the test for SGNG. I then have been doing a good amount of theoretical and practical, near-optimized routing (comparison) work and tests for what the fastest approach would be to trigger ACE under TAS circumstances (as there is different chests and orders of opening them that are available for the ACE setup, and different chest weapons and from enemies' pots dropped weapons available for in-stage route strategizing, including their weapon magic with gold armor, but also RNG relevant for lag reduction as well as a rare, specific glitch at which fire demons can spawn as body parts of other enemies that may turn out to be relevant for lag reduction). Some information about that should be possible to find in the SGNG Discord server's discussion history.

I've also made a video of a compilation of various glitch investigation tests I did some years ago:

I'd have a bunch of further movie files, glitch detail notes and ideas for more tests to do that I though haven't put up anywhere so far, as I haven't been working on SGNG for a few years since that incompleted work on that TAS. Part of the reason for that is that the game is very laggy, and RNG playing an important role for that, too, but also that I have some more ideas for opening of pairs of chests for different item combinations from them and frame perfect collection or interaction with those items that (for me) would remain to be done just in case that among these options there may be another way to glitch out the game for then possibly even earlier ACE access which could obsolete a lot of the current work done for triggering ACE from the 8th or 9th chest's wizard spell in stage 1. But I'm also interested in researching many more SNES games and finishing other SNES game TAS projects before I'd feel inclined to continue working on SGNG TASing and glitch hunting. But yeah so there has been some work done on the game, but not that prominently, I suppose.

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