
Skywater: This lake went well. Sometimes I don't go for quick catches because the mudders often don't put up much of a fight. The real danger here is getting snagged on the reeds while fighting (which can lead to various fight-ending glitches or delays), or small fry getting hooked which scares away the bigger fish. The RNG weight you have to beat on this lake can ruin an otherwise great start.

Clear: A run does not feel "real" until it gets past this lake. RNG of the weight you have to beat can get ridiculous (screw you CHUCK EVANS!). Compared to the previous record, I believe my fishing spot is better -- bass spawn closer, although maybe less frequently. Starting on this lake I'll usually cut the line if the fish seems unwilling to dip below 5 feet during the fight.

Murphy: I believe other runners found the best spot, the lily pads on Round 3. Small fry can sometimes be a pain on the right-side, and they ended more than 1 run for me, but due to the weather or good luck they left me alone this time. My skills and decision making started getting shaky towards the end -- I even tried for some smaller mudders, but that would have been too risky had I actually tried to turn one in.

Bluestone: This is my least practiced lake, and its the one that has me saying the most prayers and looking at paper notes of weather conditions trying to figure out why I sometimes get run-ending dry spells. In any case, I made up my mind that if it was foggy, I'd fish by the dock, and if it was sunny I'd head south and hope for warm water by the weeds. This was my roughest lake for sure, with some major misses that could have led to an even better time. I made the call to turn in 1 smaller mudder, which is less risky on this lake than Murphy if your other bass are big.

I had a little moment at the end where I selected "no" when asked if I want to weigh in. I may or may not have shouted an expletive.

Thanks for help and advice from the small but friendly Super Black Bass community!

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