Scroll wheel binds
5 months ago

Hey i'm sorry id this is stupid question, but i've understood that you bind "help" and "skip dialogue" buttons for scroll wheel up and down so you can do b12 skips, and skip dialogue faster.

Still I see people meowing super fast in chase scenes. So my question is is there a way to add 3rd bind to scroll wheel or somewhere to throw zorks off faster or how is the binding generally done?



Inputs from the same sub-category can't be bound on the same key. But 'Next dialogue' is a B12 input and 'meow' is a cat input so they can share the same key; in this case a scroll direction.

Both actions triggers when pressing the key so some combinaisons are not advised. In general, you should keep 'Jump', 'Talk/Interact', 'Next dialogue' and 'End dialogue' separed. 'Help' will always take its own scroll slot.

Most people will have 'Help' bound to a scroll direction and 'Meow' + 'Next dialogue' on the other

Editado por el autor 5 months ago
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