Limongrab (Double Jump Glitch)
3 years ago
Florida, USA
Super moderadorNerdWithABeard
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

So this will be a brief explanation on how to perform the Limongrab, as seen in the video below.

To achieve it, you must click to respawn, then click to respawn as soon as you touch the ground. If done correctly, you'll spawn and be able to move your jump cursor in mid-air. This is the Limongrab. There are 2 things you can use this for.

  1. Once you have the Limongrab, if you keep immediately jumping as soon as you hit the ground, you'll find that you can immediately jump again without having to wait for the jump cursor to appear, meaning faster speedrun times for as long as you have the Limongrab.
  2. If you jump immediately after touching the ground, and then jump while in the air, you'll perform a double-jump. However, please note that you only get one double-jump per Limongrab.

[Please note that doing a double-jump, jumping too early, and/or staying on the ground for even a second too long are all things that will end the Limongrab, making it so that you're back to jumping normally.]

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