1.5 Seeded Fish Tank Bundle (Old Route - Unoptimal)
1.5 Seeded Fish Tank Bundle (Old Route - Unoptimal)
Actualizado 2 years ago por AstroTheLast

Update: This route is no longer optimal, if you want the current fastest route check out robopossums world record. (Feel free to still use this route for fun though!)

Forest Farm, 3 cabins separate, skip intro, gender doesn’t matter, choose cat. Seed: 74127494

Sleep until day 12 of spring Cut down 3 trees and make chest Grab a horseradish at the farm Read mail and put all tools in chest, then head to bus stop Pick up dandelion and leek in bus stop Head to the beach Get fishing rod, pick up cockle, oyster, and clam Head to town and fish in river for sunfish Head back to the bus stop and then back into town to activate cutscene Grab dandelion on way to the CC Read note, drop 4 spring forage near crafts room, drop 3 beach forage + sunfish near fish tank Go to mountain lake, fish for carp and bullhead Head home, and sleep until day 5 of winter On day 5, pick up your chest and all tools within it, all garbage like sap, fiber, and wood can be thrown away, also read mail Head to the beach, and beach forage until you have 141ish total forage Go to Pierre’s and sell, and also buy the backpack upgrade. Head to the travelling cart, buy the red snapper, then talk to the wizard, and then head to your farm and to the lowest cabin Clear a path, place your chest near the cabin and put everything away except pickaxe and axe. Over the following 2 months, buy these things from the travelling merchant.

Winter 7: Sandfish (1,000g) + Tilapia (1,000g) Winter 14: Shad (700g) + Lobster (600g) Winter 19: Walleye (1,000g) Winter 28: Eel (255g) Spring 7: Largemouth Bass (700g) Spring 26: Bream (200g) + Catfish (600g) + Tuna (500g) Spring 28: Sturgeon (1,000g) + Sardine (200g) + Pufferfish (700g) Summer 5: Tiger Trout (500g) Summer 7: Woodskip (300g) + Ghostfish (700g)

On day 7, make sure to bring all your fish and mussel with you to the cart, as you will head straight to the community center after buying the last two fish from the cart. Once at the community center, finish the spring foraging bundle in the crafts room using the dropped items, and then finish the fish tank to complete the run.

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