RIP johnboy and Faxaro, what's the future like?
6 years ago
Texas, USA
Super moderadorChew
She/Her, It/Its
6 years ago

Hello, I'm Chew.

What happened to Faxaro? We're not sure, he appears to have deleted his YouTube channel, his Twitch channel, and even his and Discord accounts. From what he last said, he said he was busy or something.

What happened to johnboy? He stated on Discord that he did not have the free time to spend maintaining the community.

Who are you, Chew? Hi, I'm Chew. I have free-time I would love to donate to the community, and I'm here to stay! I will be fulfilling johnboy's original role of Super Mod and I hope I will be good. If you need anything, make a new post, respond below, or ask on Discord!

What's the future of this community like? I plan to keep it active and not abandon it, I'm looking for new mods to bring on so we have a wide variety. However, with that, it's up you, to the community, to keep yourself active, we can only be as active as we can, but we need participation from everyone! Let's submit these runs!

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