100% Routes
100% Route Spreadsheet (ZachLink99) (v3 Route By ZachLink99, SacredGhost) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ljr_f7xCW9ju8rMy4gsl7hpUEHC-Me6UEY7xYM-sFvA
(Outdated) 100% Route Slides (NmFlash8) (v2 Route By ZachLink99) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_9Vg-lOTzCi8Ju7Eo2ebfcfS69frRFQxLK31UKiD2I4
(Outdated) 100% Route Slides (Timpani) (Route by Timpani) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15zpADojm8TOBnU9fYVqd9X6LqOsl1jq830WU4wXtQQI
100% Resources Catch Card Finder (NmFlash8) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10_GgDKWbxZbv6SZNaKubMifSj5fw_BoW4H2ortMSjV4 All Recipes (Timpani, NmFlash8, & Mexgar) https://drive.google.com/open?id=126r0BgcGPkeE0Cro7mwZhY3f4wu6N85b Every Possible Recipe (Aldelaro5) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wIRYP3TPvMRzhwdOIriC43eaYNLNrM7zehPO91mDxMQ
With the recent changes to the leaderboard, I introduce to you, the unofficial All Tab for Pit%!
This is a complete remake of the leaderboard from scratch of what it would look like for an actual functioning All Tab, but it does have everything that SRC has, and extra, including real time updates o