3 years ago
Alabama, USA

How do we find out what Vehelits's hit box looks like? This is something emulator's can do right? It feels like the consequences of collision with Vehelits are random. I've been playing long enough to learn things that mostly work, but I don't understand a lot of times when Max's attacks miss. Does Vehelits have periodic I frames or is there something I don't understand about his hit box?

retro_smitty les gusta esto
British Columbia, Canada

I typically go for the first few parts of the neck trailing right behind the main head. Seems to work out the best for me anyway when trying to land hits but the movement of Vehelits is weird and the weak point might shift itself to be no longer lined up to get hit by the player without the player moving the character up or down.

ScottyD les gusta esto

Great question. There's a picture floating around on the internet that I cannot find any more that shows his hitbox, hopefully someone will have it saved somewhere. My only recommendation with him is try and hit him in the face with the backswing of your sword attack, it's not 100% reliable but reliable enough to make you stop worrying about it

ScottyD les gusta esto
California, USA

Vehelits works different than every other enemy in the game. Most enemies are on a specific spot, it's easy to find, you just look for their shadow and line yours up with theirs'. Vehelits doesn't have a shadow. Your position doesn't matter so long as his head doesn't move too high or too low to hit. That's why most will hang around the bottom quarter of screen, because you can jump to hit high and punch when he's low. It's helpful for me to think of Vehelits as a 2D character, who can only move along the front of the screen while your character and every other enemy is in a 2D.5 game. Good luck, I hope this helps :)

ScottyD les gusta esto
Alabama, USA

Oh dang so he doesn't have any depth. So if I want to blitz or neutral him I am better playing top maybe. That really helps me understand thanks alot man. I will mess around with it RN thanks man!

Oh BTW I got my S video mod finished and working perfectly and ended up ditching the GV usb2 for a retrotink 2x mini and a cheaper HDMI cap card and it's close to being as good as I will probably care to get my capture for a while. Thanks for helping me understand that too. Everyone that I've interacted with that runs this game has been very helpful and generally pleasant to deal with.

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