any% (heroic) route
7 years ago

I'm interested in running any% heroic and/or challenging, I found a guide online and it looks like it's pretty good, I have two questions:

  1. Is this actually a good route?
  2. Would this be good too for any% challenging? this is that route

(somehow I managed to completely miss this post, lel)

Well, I didn't read everything in detail but basically the Idea is to use biological as well. Let's say, I played through heroic with all 3 classes once and this is, what I figured out.

Hydraulic is basically the worst option. You can beat legend runs with them, obviously, but if you want to beat the later zones somewhat reliably (without ridiculous amounts of grinding) you more or less HAVE to switch to cold-blood at some point and cold-blood is slow as heck.

Psychological is definitely the best option for 100% as they can solo-curbstomp zone 6 and 7 with the exception of twin guardians and maybe judge (depends on your gear).

When not factoring in deaths, biological should be slower than psychological on heroic difficulty, as the shock-combo becomes very powerful as the difficulty goes up, but on the other hand, biological appears to be the most reliable option for zone 5, so when factoring in resets, it might actually be the best option for any% heroic. On the other hand, even for any%, psychological is ridiculously strong against clemons, hydra, colonel and heroic!mayor while still having a solid zone 5, even on legend runs. So they might still be the better option overall. But this would require running both classes in comparision.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
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