Glitchless (PSX) in 1h 43m 36s by
División de tiempos
Proporcionado por
# | Nombre | División | Terminado en |
1 | Thor | 26m 22s 070ms | 26m 22s 070ms |
2 | Red Phantom Oro | 6m 02s 552ms | 32m 24s 622ms |
3 | Ozawa Oro | 6m 29s 136ms | 38m 53s 758ms |
4 | Arachne | 11m 21s 207ms | 50m 14s 965ms |
5 | Nebiros Oro | 5m 47s 201ms | 56m 02s 166ms |
6 | Devil Summoner | 3m 19s 102ms | 59m 21s 268ms |
7 | Devil Summoner 2 Omitido | — | — |
8 | Echidna Oro | 13m 55s | 1h 13m 16s 268ms |
9 | Haniel Omitido | — | — |
10 | Vishnu Omitido | — | — |
11 | Ravana and Indrajit | 12m 10s 858ms | 1h 25m 27s 126ms |
12 | Asura | 7m 03s 485ms | 1h 32m 30s 611ms |
13 | Michael Oro | 6m 31s 820ms | 1h 39m 02s 431ms |
14 | END | 4m 24s 225ms | 1h 43m 26s 656ms |
Rule Change
After having conducted a poll in the megaten speedrunning discord to overwhelming support in favour of changing the rules to standardize the timing across the leaderboard, all categories will start the time on "Start" and end time on "END." fully appearing on screen.
For clarification, because th
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