What is This?
3 months ago
Irving, TX, USA

SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
Irving, TX, USA

I BLJed off the warehouse elevator and I somehow BLJed OoB. Has anyone done this before?

SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
Irving, TX, USA

And this is obviously on the Switch

Rhône-Alpes, France

Parallel universe

EllaTAS y SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
United States

You could nicely say its on the switch

SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
Irving, TX, USA

It sadly has been done before and on YouTube but this is the one that is less glitchy since you it acts as thou I am in a room

SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
Alsace, France

A PU ?

SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
Alsace, France

And I already done it too

SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
Irving, TX, USA


SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
Maryland, USA

Thats Cap. I'm Very certain that You Cannot Do a Blj on the switch version.

SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
Maryland, USA

Unless it CAN be done on the switch, but in a different version. like if you're from a certain country where The blj is for some reason, still able to be done.

SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
Maryland, USA

And if this is played on the Version where bljs were removed then how on earth did you get out of bounds like that?

SuperGamer64 les gusta esto
United States

@SuN_aNd_MoOn it was played on the switch online+expansion pass version where it uses the same code as the original game

Editado por el autor 3 months ago
KilleDragon, drag0n2011 y 3 otros les gusta esto
United States

groundbreaking discovery! this is the first time this trick has been performed

United States

@Wookis this is not the first time f you read some of the other messages

Editado por el autor 3 months ago
SuN_aNd_MoOn les gusta esto
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