Trifecta Any% in 11h 47m 01s by

S U B 12

Retimed to 11:47:01.86 based on video feed

Sly 1 -- 43:01 -- PS2 disc in a 90k NTSC PS2 Sly 2 -- 5:01:13 -- Digital version for PS3 in a fat K model PS3 w/ SSD Sly 3 -- 6:01:42 -- Digital version for PS3 in a fat K model PS3 w/ SSD

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Trifecta Any%
PS2 & PS3
Tercer lugar
11h 47m 01s
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
División de tiempos
Proporcionado por
#NombreDivisiónTerminado en
1-A Stealthy Approach3m 01s 988ms3m 01s 988ms
2-The Eye of the Storm3m 17s 184ms6m 19s 172ms
3-A Rocky Start1m 56s 132ms8m 15s 304ms
4-Last Call4m 05s 854ms12m 21s 158ms
5-The Dread Swamp Path1m 36s 166ms13m 57s 324ms
6-The Lair of the Beast1m 10s 105ms15m 07s 429ms
7-Piranha Lake1m 53s 795ms17m 01s 224ms
8-A Grave Undertaking0m 58s 502ms17m 59s 726ms
9-Down Home Cooking1m 38s 251ms19m 37s 977ms
10-A Ghastly Voyage2m 22s 848ms22m 00s 825ms
11-Descent Into Danger1m 22s 421ms23m 23s 246ms
12-A Deadly Dance4m 00s 222ms27m 23s 468ms
13-A Perilous Ascent1m 55s 371ms29m 18s 839ms
14-Flame Fu!3m 23s 244ms32m 42s 083ms
15-A Hazardous Path
2m 27s 009ms35m 09s 092ms
16-Burning Rubber1m 41s 187ms36m 50s 279ms
17-A Daring Rescue0m 29s 841ms37m 20s 120ms
18-A Temporary Truce1m 07s 156ms38m 27s 276ms
19-Sinking Peril1m 31s 793ms39m 59s 069ms
20{Sly 1}A Strange Reunion3m 02s 774ms43m 01s 843ms
21Sly 2: Band of Thieves0m 11s 821ms43m 13s 664ms
22-Cairo Museum Break-in3m 56s 279ms47m 09s 943ms
23-The Black Chateau4m 01s 376ms51m 11s 319ms
24-Satellite Sabotage2m 04s 244ms53m 15s 563ms
25-Breaking and Entering3m 27s 595ms56m 43s 158ms
26-Bug Dimitri's Office2m 22s 506ms59m 05s 664ms
27-Follow Dimitri4m 53s 825ms1h 03m 59s 489ms
28-Waterpump Destruction2m 05s 520ms1h 06m 05s 009ms
29-Silence the Alarms2m 22s 845ms1h 08m 27s 854ms
30-Moonlight Rendezvous2m 50s 369ms1h 11m 18s 223ms
31-Theater Pickpocketing3m 06s 187ms1h 14m 24s 410ms
32-Disco Demolitions
2m 00s 239ms1h 16m 24s 649ms
33-Op: Thunder Beak5m 44s 625ms1h 22m 09s 274ms
34-A Starry Eyed Encounter2m 53s 188ms1h 25m 02s 462ms
35-Recon the Ballroom3m 00s 519ms1h 28m 02s 981ms
36-Lower the Drawbridge3m 43s 785ms1h 31m 46s 766ms
37-Steal a Tuxedo3m 31s 165ms1h 35m 17s 931ms
38-Battle the Chopper1m 11s 869ms1h 36m 29s 800ms
39-Dominate the Dance Floor4m 09s 495ms1h 40m 39s 295ms
40-RC Bombing Run1m 55s 415ms1h 42m 34s 710ms
41-Elephant Rampage3m 14s 440ms1h 45m 49s 150ms
42-Boardroom Brawl4m 18s 049ms1h 50m 07s 199ms
43-Op: Hippo Drop6m 50s 901ms1h 56m 58s 100ms
44-The Predator Awakes1m 43s 814ms1h 58m 41s 914ms
45-Spice Room Recon2m 01s 176ms2h 00m 43s 090ms
46-Freeing the Elephant3m 46s 179ms2h 04m 29s 269ms
47-Water Bug Run1m 30s 233ms2h 05m 59s 502ms
48-Leading Rajan2m 37s 861ms2h 08m 37s 363ms
49-Blow the Dam2m 44s 402ms2h 11m 21s 765ms
50-Spice Grinder Destruction3m 56s 271ms2h 15m 18s 036ms
51-Neyla's Secret4m 21s 682ms2h 19m 39s 718ms
52-Rip-Off the Ruby3m 55s 757ms2h 23m 35s 475ms
53-Op: Wet Tiger6m 30s 653ms2h 30m 06s 128ms
54-Jailbreak4m 03s 2h 34m 09s 128ms
55-Eavesdrop on Contessa3m 22s 005ms2h 37m 31s 133ms
56-Train Hack3m 45s 841ms2h 41m 16s 974ms
57-Wall Bombing1m 56s 718ms2h 43m 13s 692ms
58-Code Capture3m 45s 233ms2h 46m 58s 925ms
59-Lightning Action2m 48s 303ms2h 49m 47s 228ms
60-Close to Contessa1m 34s 998ms2h 51m 22s 226ms
61-Big House Brawl3m 10s 588ms2h 54m 32s 814ms
62-Disguise Bridge3m 01s 787ms2h 57m 34s 601ms
63-Op: Trojan Tank10m 00s 566ms3h 07m 35s 167ms
64-A Tangled Web2m 21s 142ms3h 09m 56s 309ms
65-Know Your Enemy4m 13s 397ms3h 14m 09s 706ms
66-Kidnap the General3m 02s 761ms3h 17m 12s 467ms
67-Ghost Capture4m 20s 993ms3h 21m 33s 460ms
68-Mojo Trap Action9m 45s 130ms3h 31m 18s 590ms
69-Tank Showdown2m 37s 321ms3h 33m 55s 911ms
70-Stealing Voices5m 19s 419ms3h 39m 15s 330ms
71-Crypt Hack5m 38s 992ms3h 44m 54s 322ms
72-Op: High Road11m 28s 610ms3h 56m 22s 932ms
73-He Who Tames the Iron Horse
2m 41s 995ms3h 59m 04s 927ms
74-Cabin Crimes4m 02s 219ms4h 03m 07s 146ms
75-Spice in the Sky4m 18s 795ms4h 07m 25s 941ms
76-A Friend in Need5m 53s 408ms4h 13m 19s 349ms
77-Ride the Iron Horse
1m 50s 207ms4h 15m 09s 556ms
78-Aerial Assault3m 41s 058ms4h 18m 50s 614ms
79-Bear Cub Kidnapping2m 56s 013ms4h 21m 46s 627ms
80-Theft on the Rails1m 39s 434ms4h 23m 26s 061ms
81-Op: Choo-Choo4m 44s 658ms4h 28m 10s 719ms
82-Menace in the North, Eh?2m 08s 417ms4h 30m 19s 136ms
83-Recon the Sawmill3m 29s 681ms4h 33m 48s 817ms
84-Bearcave Bugging4m 39s 806ms4h 38m 28s 623ms
85-Laser Redirection3m 31s 830ms4h 42m 00s 453ms
86-RC Combat Club3m 04s 902ms4h 45m 05s 355ms
87-Old Grizzle Face3m 38s 240ms4h 48m 43s 595ms
88-Lighthouse Break In2m 41s 713ms4h 51m 25s 308ms
89-Thermal Ride2m 53s 435ms4h 54m 18s 743ms
90-Boat Hack5m 38s 271ms4h 59m 57s 014ms
91-Op: Canada Games12m 25s 569ms5h 12m 22s 583ms
92-Anatomy for Disaster2m 00s 685ms5h 14m 23s 268ms
93-Blimp HQ Recon4m 52s 587ms5h 19m 15s 855ms
94-Sly/Bentley Conspire4m 34s 030ms5h 23m 49s 885ms
95-Bentley/Murray Team Up4m 27s 745ms5h 28m 17s 630ms
96-Murray/Sly Tag Team3m 20s 152ms5h 31m 37s 782ms
97-Charged TNT Run3m 52s 925ms5h 35m 30s 707ms
98-Mega-Jump Job2m 38s 830ms5h 38m 09s 537ms
99{Sly 2}Showdown with Clock-La6m 18s 318ms5h 44m 27s 855ms
100Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
0m 52s 136ms5h 45m 19s 991ms
101-The Cooper Vault5m 36s 706ms5h 50m 56s 697ms
102-Hazard Room6m 43s 098ms5h 57m 39s 795ms
103-An Opera of Fear2m 25s 484ms6h 00m 05s 279ms
104-Police HQ6m 40s 718ms6h 06m 45s 997ms
105-Canal Chase3m 35s 483ms6h 10m 21s 480ms
106-Octavio Snap7m 35s 064ms6h 17m 56s 544ms
107-Into the Depths6m 13s 810ms6h 24m 10s 354ms
108-Tar Ball3m 13s 170ms6h 27m 23s 524ms
109-Turf War!3m 36s 563ms6h 31m 00s 087ms
110-Guard Duty8m 33s 013ms6h 39m 33s 100ms
111-Run 'n Bomb5m 29s 429ms6h 45m 02s 529ms
112-Op: Tar Be Gone!13m 15s 427ms6h 58m 17s 956ms
113-Rumble Down Under3m 34s 615ms7h 01m 52s 571ms
114-Search for the Guru4m 01s 158ms7h 05m 53s 729ms
115-Spelunking7m 40s 050ms7h 13m 33s 779ms
116-Big Truck6m 31s 583ms7h 20m 05s 362ms
117-Dark Caves4m 55s 954ms7h 25m 01s 316ms
118-Unleash the Guru4m 36s 872ms7h 29m 38s 188ms
119-Hungry Croc3m 27s 162ms7h 33m 05s 350ms
120-The Claw6m 45s 145ms7h 39m 50s 495ms
121-Lemon Rage7m 13s 908ms7h 47m 04s 403ms
122-Op: Moon Crash8m 04s 207ms7h 55m 08s 610ms
123-Flight of Fancy4m 10s 473ms7h 59m 19s 083ms
124-Hidden Flight Roster7m 42s 348ms8h 07m 01s 431ms
125-Frame Team Iceland8m 42s 790ms8h 15m 44s 221ms
126-Cooper Hangar Defence10m 02s 592ms8h 25m 46s 813ms
127-Frame Team Belgium5m 37s 185ms8h 31m 23s 998ms
128-ACES Semifinals2m 52s 757ms8h 34m 16s 755ms
129-Beauty and the Beast5m 40s 550ms8h 39m 57s 305ms
130-Giant Wolf Massacre3m 50s 426ms8h 43m 47s 731ms
131-Windmill Firewall3m 43s 663ms8h 47m 31s 394ms
132-Op: Turbo Dominant Eagle7m 41s 606ms8h 55m 13s
133-King of Fire11m 31s 618ms9h 06m 44s 618ms
134-A Cold Alliance1m 05s 244ms9h 07m 49s 862ms
135-Tearful Reunion6m 52s 767ms9h 14m 42s 629ms
136-Get a Job6m 05s 559ms9h 20m 48s 188ms
137-Grapple-Cam Break-in6m 09s 251ms9h 26m 57s 439ms
138-Laptop Retrieval9m 07s 805ms9h 36m 05s 244ms
139-A Battery of Peril4m 54s 925ms9h 41m 00s 169ms
140-Vampiric Demise10m 16s 507ms9h 51m 16s 676ms
141-Down the Line3m 21s 441ms9h 54m 38s 117ms
142-Op: Wedding Crasher14m 09s 556ms10h 08m 47s 673ms
143-Dead Men Tell No Tales2m 52s 822ms10h 11m 40s 495ms
144-The Talk of Pirates8m 40s 879ms10h 20m 21s 374ms
145-Dynamic Duo8m 25s 124ms10h 28m 46s 498ms
146-Jollyboat of Destruction3m 49s 901ms10h 32m 36s 399ms
147-X Marks the Spot7m 58s 780ms10h 40m 35s 179ms
148-Crusher from the Depths8m 32s 021ms10h 49m 07s 200ms
149-Battle on the High Seas4m 28s 196ms10h 53m 35s 396ms
150-Deep Sea Danger4m 41s 602ms10h 58m 16s 998ms
151-Op: Reverse Double-Cross10m 49s 920ms11h 09m 06s 918ms
152-Honor Among Thieves4m 00s 059ms11h 13m 06s 977ms
153-Carmelita to the Rescue2m 37s 145ms11h 15m 44s 122ms
154-A Deadly Bite4m 10s 278ms11h 19m 54s 400ms
155-The Dark Current3m 14s 860ms11h 23m 09s 260ms
156-Bumb-Charge-Jump4m 58s 577ms11h 28m 07s 837ms
157-Danger in the Skies5m 58s 892ms11h 34m 06s 729ms
158-The Ancestors' Gauntlet4m 44s 214ms11h 38m 50s 943ms
159-Stand Your Ground5m 10s 761ms11h 44m 01s 704ms
160{Sly 3}Final Legacy3m 00s 644ms11h 47m 02s 348ms