New glitch - Two Fingers TP
I found a glitch where your line TP from one finger to another, the requirement is as follow:
- Do a line, you have to end the line in maximum speed.
- Release your finger of the screen.
- 1 frame after doing this, you have to start a line with the other finger and it needs to start in maximum speed too.
You can start the second line in any place of the screen.
There's some problems with this glitch that makes it inconsistent:
- sometimes the game will bug and the character will stay still after you drawn the second line. When this happens you have to touch the screen again.
And the glitch has variation that I don't know how to replicate:
- sometimes the character will start running without lines while the time don't go down. If you press anywhere in the screen in this glitch, you will be instantly teleported.
Some videos of the glitch:
To better understand the glitch put the videos in slow motion
Corridas recientes
Nivel: Level 9
Nivel: Level 8
Nivel: Level 7
Nivel: Level 6