Hello Slendrina speedrunners! Slendrina Asylum has been added back to Play Store and updated to V1.2.8, And this update is major, Kind of.
Anyways, I wanna point that V1.2.8's retiming rule was changed due to that update changing the original concept of the game and improving it, So we've retimed all the runs of this version back to be correct.
Here is the new rule:
NOTE: This update is not on iOS yet.
Hey everyone, I have decided to leave moderation for this game due to not playing the game anymore.
I will leave moderation to Gabriel_Dark and Santhy99. I hope these two can do well with this game.
Hello Slendrina speedrunners! Slendrina Asylum has been added back to Play Store and updated to V1.2.8, And this update is major, Kind of.
Anyways, I wanna point that V1.2.8's retiming rule was changed due to that update changing the original concept of the game and improving it, So we've retimed a