About the new patch notes...
2 years ago
United States

A new update released for Shredder's Revenge that detailed some new fixes. Most of them are minor fixes but something they didn't mention is the fix on the Raph stunlock. I wonder what speedrunning will be like from here.

iamteone, RIFT, y R1_4n6 les gusta esto
United States

Another thing I found was that in this update Super Shredder was made much faster. How much time it saves is something I don't know but I'm sure it'll speed up runs by a bit.

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
R1_4n6 les gusta esto
Nova Scotia, Canada

I was happy to see notes about the Krang fight being fixed in online multiplayer. Honestly I'm all for the Raph stunlock getting patched. As much as it can be annoying when bosses jump around and are tough to deal with I pretty much lost all interest when the stunlock became a thing. Did they actually patch it despite no notes on it or does it still work?

T3_9_10_21 les gusta esto

If it is patched (Raph), will runs be removed or put into a seperate category? How does it work?

T3_9_10_21 les gusta esto
California, USA

There's a lot of discussion, plus I am in talks with Dotemu for what they can or will provide. It's very preliminary but it will take time so do not expect a resolution to the board for weeks.

iamteone, R1_4n6, y T3_9_10_21 les gusta esto
South Carolina, USA

I didn't even use the Raph Stunlock in any of my runs, I swear!

T3_9_10_21 les gusta esto

Raph's Stun glitch still works, you need to do a regular knockdown first such as a dodge kick, then they're vulnerable to Raph's stun effect when performing his dodge super.

Edit: Video of the glitch in action.

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
TEEX88, Crunan y 3 otros les gusta esto

Does the new bug work on all the previous bosses? Rocksteady, groundchuck, dirtbag, ratking, leatherhead, metalhead, zorax?

T3_9_10_21 les gusta esto
United States

I have tried going through all the bosses that the glitch previously worked on, and I was able to land it on Bebop, Rocksteady, Groundchuck and Dirtbag, Rocksteady on level 7, (You could probably land it on Bebop in level 7.) Leatherhead, and Captain Zorax. I can't find a way to land the glitch on Rat King, and I softlocked on Metalhead a few times so there is a chance it's possible on him. Edit: It is possible to land it on Metalhead. It just takes a little bit of luck. Edit 2: It is also possible to land the glitch on Rat King by dive attacking the boss, backflipping through his attack after he gets up, and then using the backflip super. Edit 3: The stunlock got patched again.

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
iamteone y R1_4n6 les gusta esto
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