I think a new category here could be interesting. Simply going from top of the first level, down to bottom, then going next level. Run end at the crossing line at last lvl. Tought?
Yeah, I agree.
Both mods haven't been around for months, so I doubt you'll get an answer from them here, though.
Yeah, absolutely that would be cool. Another offshoot of that: you could start from a base stats character with no sponsors completed and time from the start at Donner to the finish at Gotcha Glacier. You can choose whichever sponsors you want to unlock the next levels, but I think it could be a lot of fun to iron out the best sponsors to get.
Hi guys! I just checked back on the speedrun.com page since a new WR was just set! Both sound like great ideas. If one of you guys wants to put a run like that together, I would be more than happy to discuss some official rules for it and have the new category made.