Publicado 2 months ago por

After a lot of consideration on many factors over the past couple of weeks, the mod team have decided that the best course of action is to allow the custom save file to skip the Bart 1, Apu, Bart 2 and Homer 2 cutscenes. This save file is banned in No Mission Warps, with the goal to maintain the status quo within how speedruns are done. An FPS poll will be released to determine the FPS cap which runs will be performed at, and enforced below the time thresholds listed on the leaderboard.

The skippable FMV poll results specifically leaned towards allowing the skippable FMVs mod, with 45 votes in favor of allowing it with 25 against. Re-timing the leaderboard was not a favourable option with only 12 people voting for old runs to be re-timed.

Our decision to lean towards a different option stem from the responses we received on the final question:

  • The poll did not contain enough questions.
  • Incorrect information was provided in the document, which was corrected shortly after release.
  • Acting too fast with a disjointed mod team over the period this occurred.

To prevent future incidents such as what occurred, a new procedure on how discussions are handled will be enforced.

  1. Discussion Request: A ruleset review request is issued to the mod team based on a new discovery or a logical argument being presented. A discussion may not be created instantly to ensure we as a team are prepared to tackle the topic.
  2. Research: If required, time will be designated to understand what is occurring. No opinions on if said thing should be allowed will be shared.
  3. Documentation: Once the research is complete, a documentation stage will occur where the mod team will create a write up based on what has been discussed. There will be no bias in this stage and will be presented in the forum to be verified.
  4. Debate: Once all the facts are laid out, a debate section will occur to discuss the thoughts on the subject. This section is designed for good faith discussion aiming to have productive discussions over the future of the speedrun.
  5. Survey: A survey will be designed to tackle the main issues of contention raised in these debates. A list may be issued showing the points that require addressing if the topic is complex.

Certain steps will be skipped at mod discretion. Discussions will not take place on dates dedicated to widely celebrated holidays.

The new save file can be found here:

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Publicado 1 year ago por

Hi all,

There will be NO AUDIO REQUIREMENT for submissions going forward. This is effective immediately after a community vote.

While not a requirement, we still strongly encourage console runners to include audio in their submissions. Runs that provide no audio may be subject to more scrutiny in the verification process.

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Publicado 1 year ago por

The mod team has taken the results given from a recent poll in discord and will enforce these new criteria

FPS Display will be REQUIRED for the following timegates on the six main categories;

All Story Missions - Sub 1:25 Any% - Sub 55 100% - Sub 3:10 ASM NG+ - Sub 1:15 ASM NMW - Sub 1:40 All Tasks NLR - Sub 2:15

Furthermore, FPS Display will be REQUIRED for podium placements (1st-4th) in Misc. & Category Extensions

We have an easily accessible FPS Display mod for the Mod Launcher developed by Proddy if you don't want to use more external programs for speedrun purposes. This can be obtained from the Resources tab from

Recordings of speedrun sessions will NOT BE REQUIRED for verification purposes


These new criteria will start being enforced at 9:00AM GMT 27/3

All runs submitted before this change and all runs that are currently on the boards are not effected by this

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Publicado 2 years ago por

The community has passed a vote on using an updated autosplitter. This new autosplitter removes the small loads while entering an interior which the previous one did not. Throughout an ASM run, this will be saving 2-10 seconds dependent on FPS and your PC hardware. The autosplitter should be updated on your livesplit automatically, if you find it isn't working as intended, please join and ask in the discord server.

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Publicado 2 years ago por

The signups for the 2022 All Story Mission Tournament have now been opened!

Once you have signed-up, you will be given the ASM Tournament role. This will grant access to the asm-tournament-2022 channel. If you have not been given the role within 24 hours from signing up, please @me in community-events .

This is an open tournament, and you can join no matter your skill level. There is only 1 requirement.

  1. Be able to complete (at least) one leaderboard-viable ASM run prior to the tournament, using the "ASM 2022 Tournament Verification" mod, using verification code “ASM2022” (the default seed). This will be used for seeding. Please record runs and post a vod (YouTube or Twitch) in asm-tournament-2022 , along with the splits. You can submit multiple runs, but only your best willl count. This is a requirement. If you do not do this, you will not be able to participate.

The mod, along with a tutorial, is pinned in asm-tournament-2022. It should also be noted that the mod is whitelisted, so if you pb it is still valid.

In the signup form, you can register interest for both commentating and restreaming. To have a successful tournament, we will need as many people as possible of both these roles, especially restreamers. There is a restreamer json file with a short set-up guide for new restreamers. If you wish to have either of these roles but not join the tournament, please contact me.

The explicit format of the bracket will be released once the mods know the number of sign-ups. However, the general schedule will be:

  • Close sign-ups / seeding time: Friday, 1st of July
  • Relay 2, World Cup Race and Draw Show: Saturday, 2nd of July (time TBA)
  • Group Stage: 4th- 25th of July
  • Bracket Begin: 25th of July

A document will be released, regarding the format and other tournament information.

Thank you and good luck!

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Publicado 2 years ago por

The following changes have been made to the Level Leaderboard, as voted by the community:

  • Timing starts on the first frame of the level being fully loaded. Homer 1 Level Timings remain the same as before.
  • A "Full Game" Run variable has been included. "Full Game" Runs will be distinguished by showing "Full Game" splits on the screen OR by having a "Full Game" attempt up until that point shown. This variable only applies to ASM, Any%, NMW and All Tasks NLR.
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Cutscene Discussion – Outcome

After a lot of consideration on many factors over the past couple of weeks, the mod team have decided that the best course of action is to allow the custom save file to skip the Bart 1, Apu, Bart 2 and Homer 2 cutscenes. This save file is banned in No Mission Warps, with the goal to maintain the sta

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