[Part 1] Guide for Speedrunning the Legacy Any% category in SCP: Containment Breach
[Part 1] Guide for Speedrunning the Legacy Any% category in SCP: Containment Breach
Actualizado 5 years ago por Forx

This guide is a work-in-progress and may or may not be updated as time passes on.

This is Part 1 (Any%) of 3 guides for speedrunning Containment Breach.

Runs are done of v0.9.3 of the game. Note that after every two times that you load a map, whether you load a game from the main menu or when you start a new run, the game will always crash.

Part 1: Any% (Set Seed)

General Tips- Try to never run out of sprint. When your stamina meter is low feather your sprint by repeatedly tapping your sprint key.

For all Any% runs use the seed "118271135". This is currently the fastest known seed that lets you beat the game the quickest. Map for this seed is here ------ https://imgur.com/a/P3DXrl2

General Steps for all Any% categories:

Step 1: When you first spawn into the game, run forward into the next room and hang to the right. If you keep walking forward you should see the Level One Keycard on your left (optional), and the gas mask on a shelf to your right. Grab both items and then proceed to the next room, also known as the Light Testing Chamber. Normally, this room can only be opened with the Level One Keycard, but you can skip opening the door and just grab the Level Two Keycard straight through the wall. https://imgur.com/a/pFg48oR After this, proceed to SCP 914.

The reason the Level One Keycard has "(optional)" next to it is because you do not need to grab it, but grabbing it will increase your chances of getting an Omni Card from SCP 914 since you are trying to get the omni from either of two keycards and not only one keycard.

Step 2: After you open the doors to SCP 914, immediately go over to 914, set it to very fine, and the turn the key to turn on the machine. After that, go over to the intake door of 914. Wait for it to close, push up against the door and then drop your two or three items (Level One Keycard, Level 2 Keycard, and the Gas Mask). Note that when you drop items on top of one another they usually tend to move far away from where you actually drop them. To help reduce this problem, drop the gas mask first, and the keycard(s).

Once you have dropped all the items, head over to the Output door of SCP 914. Get ready to pick up your items before the output door even opens (since you can pick up items through walls in this version, you can just wait for the items to teleport to the output section and not have to wait for the door to open).

Step 3: Follow the route through the rest of Light Containment and through Heavy Containment. In the Entrance zone you want to trigger the MTF before going to the Electrical Center. You want to do this because if you don't, they will be blocking a doorway towards the end of Entrance Zone, making you unable to complete the run.

When you enter the Entrance Zone, there are three ways you can go: left, straight, and to the right. There are also two different spots in Entrance Zone that trigger the MTF to spawn, which is near the door to the right of the electrical center, and the door that is straight in front of you when you enter the Entrance Zone. Trigger the MTF to spawn by going straight after you walk into Entrance Zone. After you hear them spawn, go to the electrical center and turn off remote door control. After that, follow the route to get to Gate A.

Map of seed "118271135" - https://imgur.com/a/P3DXrl2

Gate A Ending 1: To get Ending 1 for Gate A, the only requirement needed is that the remote door control system is turned off in the elecitrcal center, located in the Entrance Zone. Follow the steps in "General Steps for all Any% Categories". Route: https://imgur.com/a/8ZaGm0k Follow the red line. The red numbers are "checkpoints" during the run.

Gate A Ending 2: This ending is a rather stupid one. The only two requirements to get this ending are that SCP 106 is contained (or deactivated) and that the remote door control is turned off. I say that this ending is a stupid one because you can get Ending 2 without actually containing SCP 106.

When you contain SCP 106, the game puts him in a "deactivated" state. Sometimes while playing, SCP 106 will be put into a "deactivated" state, even if you have not actually contained SCP 106. There is currently no truly known way of deactivating 106 without containing him. There are currently only four runs that get Ending 2 without containing SCP 106.





If you want to be a hero you should find out what causes 106 to deactivate without containing him. :)

Gate B Ending 1: The requirement for this ending is to turn off the remote door control, go back into Heavy Containment and talk to SCP 079, go back into Entrance zone and turn back on remote door control and then exit through Gate B. The route for this is the same as Gate A Ending 1, you just need to backtrack to get to SCP 079. Route: https://imgur.com/a/XDlpFSj

Gate B Ending 2: This ending has the exact same requirements as Gate B Ending 1, except that you need to turn on the nuke in the nuke silo room. Route: https://imgur.com/a/b8zilcO

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Small rule changes / Verifier applications are open!

(I guessed the link for this so I hope it works)

Hi! First things first, I'm Amy, the newest Admin / Super Moderator!

Next, a few rules have been changed:

  • All runs must show the version number

  • Set Seed Inbounds and Random Seed Inbounds runs no longer require 008 to be contained.


9 months ago