2 years ago
United States

Is there a list of accepted/banned emulators?

I use the Mupen64Plus-Next core on RetroArch usually, want to know if thats fine or if I should use Project64

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
TeflonRon64 les gusta esto

I'd be curious too what the acceptable emulators are, if any. I'd assume Project64 and Parallel Launcher/Retroarch would be fine.

Oklahoma, USA

As far as I'm concerned, PJ64 and other normally agreed emulators are fine. My run is on an emu(PJ64) cause my brother has the 64. If any big differences come up we can go over them.

Baltimore, MD, USA

WOW Mr. GoodToast I have been wanting to talk to you for years now. It is so great to see you are still active. My name is Teflon Ron and I run professional_starcraft64 on twitch. Is there any way I could contact you and we could talk. My Twitter is @Teflon_Ron64 please message me sometime. I’d love to have you on the stream sometime

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Nivel: SC1 Terran 02: Backwater Station
Nivel: Tutorial: Officer Training
Nivel: SC1 Terran 01: Wasteland
Nivel: SC1 Protoss 01: First Strike
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