Run The Block Category
Run The Block Category
Publicado 2 months ago por

Hello everyone, we the mod team have officially added in the new RRO (Run The Block) to the speedrun page for Category Extensions. The category itself features all the levels you can find in the game. It also has 2 run types (for now) being Any% and Low Upgrades%. Any% pretty self explanatory anything goes that fits within the games boundaries. Low Upgrades% is an any% category but you must use the least amount of upgrades as possible. PLEASE READ THE RULES FOR THE LOW UPGRADES%! Hopefully you all enjoy the new category and hopefully I see you all speedrunning very soon.

Have a good day Sincerely, The Mod Team.

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New Category Extension Category

Attention everyone, a new category for Category Extensions has been made. The category is called Mixed Weapons%. The category rules are as follows:

This category is Any% and only meant for multiplayer runs. Complete the game as fast as possible but everyone must be using a different weapon to main.

2 months ago
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