Changes With Groovy Bee Ending
Changes With Groovy Bee Ending
Publicado 1 year ago por

Hello once again.

Not much is new here, but one (and I mean only one) ending is now split between Legacy and its Current version. As the title suggest, that is the Groovy Bee ending.

You see, before the Aviella SubEnding released, you could walk to GroovyDominoes52 immediately and wake him up about the bees. However, if you attempt that in the current version of the game, GroovyDominoes52 won't wake up until you talk to Avi_ella first. This makes past runs impossible to beat.

Because of this, the Groovy Bee Ending has been split into Current and Legacy subcategories. Hopefully this won't happen in the future.

Thanks for reading, TheRemainingGuest

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Christmas Update

since there was a huge update for Christmas this year, i've gone ahead and added all of the new SubEndings, along with the Christmas Ending 2, and the True Christmas Ending.

as stated by Groovy, however, neither of these count as the 53rd ending, and so the latter two endings will instead be listed

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