Do we know where the ils start/end?
I assume we don't. Levels depend on the wall color, which is easier to see the colour difference on the transparent part of the wall. It first appears, without using the transparent wall, that there is only 8 levels in the "easy" part in the tower, if you have any questions where specific ils start and end, put it here and I will send screenshots of the start/end of whichever il you are talking about. Thanks!
I can not send any screenshots, so I will have to explain where the start/end of ils are. The level 3 platform that ends the level is the level 4 start. The level 4 end is the bottom of the 3 platforms, right outside of the first outside section.
TheDrwinsitos les gusta esto
Corridas recientes
Nivel: Level 3
Nivel: Level 5
Nivel: Level 2
Nivel: Level 4
Nivel: Level 2