About switching back to RTA
4 years ago
Super moderadorrozukk
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago

So recently, we found a cheat engine file, made by XemesisKO, found by TheDementedSalad, that allows us to see, between many things, the clear time of the current map, basically the IGT we've been using so far.

I made a 10 minute demo regarding five aspects of the timer, the start of each episode, the behavior in movie cutscenes, standing cutscenes (for example, the start of chapter 4, 6, and 7), deaths, this one being the most important of all, and timer manipulation.

Fastynator showed some concern about that a while ago, and turns out that he was right.

I believe that using loadless RTA from now on would be the best option. It's either that, or make any runs that include deaths invalid.

Super moderadorrozukk
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago

Update: A couple days ago, Salad found a value that shows an RTA-like time, which keeps moving throughout the whole level, and doesn't stop through cutscenes, or deaths. It does stop with pauses though, but unlike the official timer, you can't abuse it with pause buffering.

British Columbia, Canada

Older runner here, but yeah.

Back when the leaderboards were being set up originally it was shown that if you paused on the elevator going up in level 1 after getting to Birkin's office, it would continue to go up without affecting the IGT.

For the life of me, I can't find the posts anymore, so the thread may have been deleted.

Super moderadorrozukk
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago

I've been comparing igt to rta in-game, and it turns out it's barely a second or two more compared to igt, at least on PC. That's why I didn't touch the subject again. While I want to make it full run RTA with load times and all, it wouldn't be fair to the few runners we have/had, since most took some time off while menuing, and even I have taken a break mid-game in one of my old PBs. So, the timing method will remain the same, we could add full run RTA timer as a secondary time though.

British Columbia, Canada

Which is fair. Just as long the people don't have excessive pausing, IGT should still be good.

Super moderadorrozukk
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago

Speaking about that, I'll change the rules so that every pause from now on counts for a second. Seems like a good way to deal with it.

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