Optimal Character Selection File #1
Optimal Character Selection File #1
Actualizado 6 years ago por WoweeTheDoggo
  • All character stats referenced here are from http://obsrv.org/wiki/index.php?n=Main.CharacterStatistics
  • I will not list any stick figures in this guide
  • All NPCs have a health range instead of a health value ex. 2000~2500
  • Stat format is (Hitpoints/Speed/Power) Virus gauge not mentioned as it is near impossible to virus out in a speedrun

**Best Characters For Each Type** Kevin Type: Kevin (2300/105%/100%) Karl (31003500/100%/118%) - Kevin is the fastest character in file #1 and the only time he should not be chosen is Below Freezing Point offline as Yoko is faster. Kevin types have the potshot ability with handguns which lets them to very high damage. Karl(31003500/100%/118%) may be favorable on online VH runs since he has more health, deals more damage, and spawns with a FAS (Kevin's 5% speed advantage will not help as much in online)

Mark Type: Marvin (20002500/100%/100%) Aaron (31003500/75%/121%) - Marvin is only available if you use the file transfer to bring him over from File #2, he spawns with a hemostat. Aaron is available without file transfer and spawns with 15 HG bullets along with the loaded handgun all Mark types get.

Jim Type: Samuel (26003000/95%/118%) - Samuel is only available via file transfer from file #2. Simply Samuel is the only Jim type worth using. All other Jim types except for Will run under 90% speed. Will matches Samuel in speed but has the lowest HP range possible (9001200) which means he is liable to be downed quickly.

George Type: Isaac (2600~3000/97%/113%) - Issac is fast, he has a lot of health, and he hits very hard. I would recommend Isaac as the best general character statwise in the game, however he does not spawn with a good item for a speedrun like most George types which means Rita and Aaron may be better options

David Type: David (2200/96%/100%) Axeman (3100~3500/84%/138%) - Axeman is a David type in File #1 and a Mark in File #2. Depending on what scenario you choose will impact what David type you want. If you are playing scenarios that have easy to kill or no bosses (Outbreak,Hellfire,Decisions Decisions) you will want to use David. However if you play scenarios that have a strong boss (Below Freezing Point, The Hive) Axeman's insane damage may be desirable. Choosing to use Axeman means that the player playing him will have the sole intent on getting weapons ready and killing the boss as he is slower than other characters to do key item collection. David types can fix weapons such as the broken shotgun in Below Freezing Point

Alyssa Type: Rita (2600~3000/91%/113%) - Alyssa types are good choices since they can lockpick and potshot. Rita is the best Alyssa type in my opinion since she is only 2% slower than Alyssa but does much more damage and has a higher health range.

Yoko Types: Yoko (1300/76%/100%) - All Yoko types are extremely slow and Yoko is the fastest out of the group by 10% even if it does cost some health. Yoko has a very effective dodge that lets her avoid damage that you need to learn. Yoko should only be used on Below freezing point so you can skip verifying a new fingerprint ID.

Cindy Type: Cindy (1500/89%/100%) Dorothy (3100~3500/86%/83%) - Cindy types are good as they can heal your team multiple times which can help you a lot. Cindy is the fastest available of her type and she does regular damage which is passable for sure. If you do not feel as if you can use Cindy's dodge very well I recommend choosing Dorothy since her health is much higher, however you should almost never use any sort of weapons since Dorothy does such little damage. Dorothy is a file #2 transfer character. If you feel as your team is experienced enough to forgo using Cindy's heals you can swap her for someone who is either faster or can deal more damage.

**Recommended Characters for Each Scenario**

  • My personal opinion on who you should use for each scenario
  • All logic is based on VH online
  • #1 character listed is the character you should use for solo runs regardless of difficulty chosen

Outbreak 1 Kevin - Speed/use .45 auto for large wooden door 2 Rita - Lockpick bar doors/spawns with HG ammo 3 Aaron - Spawns with HG + HG ammo 4 David - Use wrenches on large wooden door/ make Molotovs maybe

Below Freezing Point 1 Yoko - Needed to avoid doing fingerprint ID registration/ inventory space 2 Karl - Boss damage with .45/Give FAS to scientist to get chem bottles 3 Axeman - Boss damage/Fix broken shotgun 4 Rita spawns with HG bullets/ high damage %

The Hive 1 Kevin - Speed/boss damage 2 Samuel - Critical hits can lead to extreme boss damage/ dive to avoid boss damage 3 Aaron - Spawns with HG + HG ammo/ high damage 4 Issac - Good all around/ make heals

Hellfire 1 Kevin - Can easily solo boss 2 Marvin - Speed 3 Issac - Good all round/ make health 4 Cindy - Heals pre boss for Kevin to be safe

Decisions Decisions 1 Kevin - Speed/ can emergency kill hunters with .45 auto 2 Cindy - Play Piano to skip puzzle/ Heals 3 Samuel - Speed/ dodge bees on lift 4 Marvin - Speed/ HG can be used to make Thanatos target you

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