Score-Based Boards: Are They Needed?
3 years ago
Czech Republic

Earlier today, I was asked about those challenges in the game that aren't rated by time, but by score: Turret shooting, the Timed and Multidistance challenges and so on. There is a way to introduce them to this site, even if rather bodgy, so I would like to attempt to spark a little discussion, an expression of opinions.

Do you want score-rated challenges on this board? Would you be interested in participating in them? Of the range challenges, should all of them be in here, or only a selection?

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United Kingdom

I'd be interested in seeing the range challenges. Mainly the timed ones, but multidistance could also work? Obviously the challenges that have a maximum possible score (limited shot, bowling, etc.) shouldn't be on here, lmao.

San Francisco, CA, USA
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Seconding in favor of score challenges

If we're feeling up to it, we might have folks LiveSplit fast perfect score runs of Limited Shots and Bowling if only for the sake of having everything in one place

Czech Republic

As of today, two score-based drills have been added as categories: Timed 30s 15m and Multidistance. You will find them under Miscellaneous categories for the full-game leaderboards. While not full-game runs, this is the only way to ensure the runs will be ordered properly; because only supports time results, you will enter your score as MILLISECONDS, and only full-game leaderboards provide sorting runs descendingly instead of ascendingly.

Making boards for these runs stretches the capability of the tools available to me on this site. Consequently, the neat and consice board you may see with the challenge dome levels cannot be provided and submitting the run properly is more difficult. The back-end of the board is being cluttered at a severe rate to accomodate the mutually-exclusive nature of firearm choices.

TL;DR: Score-based challenges are up, but very good justification will be required to add more due to administrative strain.

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
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