We NEED a 60 fps AND a variable category
6 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

As it stands now the 60 fps capped runners and the variable runners would be competing directly against each other this is just straight up pay to win. I think that 60 fps locked should have its own category so that people who cant afford to run at higher fps as well as people who dont want to compete with pay to win can have a competitive fair playing field. Having a category like this is the best solution to this dilemma, let people play how they want but let those distinctions be compared against each other. Having the main category not be viable for people with bad rigs will kill this speedgame.

Kaerax, NuZ y 4 otros les gusta esto
Florida, USA

Why does a filter not fix this? Apply the filter for your framerate, and WR even "changes" and only shows people in your framerate. It's then also obvious to even casual people scoping out the site when they see "wow 120 FPS must play faster than 60"?

It's the best of both worlds. Everyone is "grouped together" while you're also able to sort it based on other people in your framerate.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
MASH, Firkraag, y shelbobagginss les gusta esto

Should probably wait and see if the top of the leaderboard is pure 120s. If so, a split should be applied.


It exists, read cursedtoast's post

Ontario, Canada

A filter and a category aren't the same thing, the game plays differently at 120 fps to 60 fps, it should be another category, not a filter. Don't know why it's so difficult to put PC 120FPS / PC 60 FPS / Console. Its pretty clear what everybody wants. (level playing field)

You can say "Oh ranks don't matter" "we speed run for fun"-- Spoiler, people speed run and post on a board because they matter to that person, and being competitive with others is fun.

NuZ, Waifu, y tyhill111 les gusta esto

By that logic though we should separate all consoles too, I play base PS4 and I can't compete with a PS4 Pro or even an Xbox one X (which has the highest frame rate out of all consoles)

Plenty more examples in other games where stuff isn't split because there's no need for it

By default a slower run on the same platform should not be showcased as a WR, I'm sorry it just shouldn't.

Ontario, Canada

It's not just "Slower" the game is also balanced differently. This isn't a doors open faster on 120 FPS than 60 FPS issue, it's a single weapon does like 2x the damage that it should normally do issue. (On G3 it actually does way more than that, because you can hit 3x in 1 slash) This changes not only game play, but boss and ammo routing. The reality is, 120 FPS run is easier, you can argue zombies have more grab frames, but I haven't noticed a difference with being grabbed on 100-120 fps from straight up 60 fps.

Your point is perfectly valid though, there is no reason old gen consoles shouldn't be seperated from new gen consoles. People are so worried about the boards looking cluttered but if you look at RE2 classic there is a different category for every console the game was released on.

TL;DR - Minor difference - Filter, Major difference - Category, it's really that simple. The difference from the knife alone warrants separate categories.

NuZ, Waifu y 2 otros les gusta esto

I understand that you want to keep leadboards clean and current state of things is actually really good, however it's kinda a shame that on your profile you're listed as 8th person, when you actually have WR on 60 FPS (not talking about myself). I am actually down for whatever, both are fine with me, but it'd be nice to see this 1st place on your profile if you actually have one. But that's actually the only thing that makes me up 60/120 category.

Waifu y bearlol les gusta esto
United States

I don't think we should have a variable FPS mode. This is coming from a performance snob too with a 144hz monitor. I get anywhere from 100-150 fps in the game depending on the area. Where someone could have a 2080ti and a 9900K so they can stream and not lose performance as well. They would have a significant advantage over everyone else. It would basically just get to the point to where the top runners in that category would be the ones with the best PC and then who ever has the 2nd PC to record or stream the video without losing performance.

TrichaelMan, s1a1n1d1i y 2 otros les gusta esto

I agree with snoolsie. If anything, imo, it'd be 60/120 category, but variable as category (and one of main ones on top of that) is overkill cos it's purely pay to win.

Waifu, Ratslul y 2 otros les gusta esto

I agree with snoolsie, Its should just be 60 FPS or 30 FPS category that way its an even playing field for most everyone. Runs being set with 120 FPS can almost never be beaten by 60 FPS runner's. its not impossible just not vary likely. How ever if its 60 FPS only runs everyone would be able to compete with everyone!

tyhill111 les gusta esto
United States

Well I'm okay with a 120 FPS category because you'd assume if they are running that mode everyone is getting a consistent 120 so it's an even playing field. Variable is however not.


If a method of play holds a different route, not by choice, but by hardware it should be separated. You guys know very well that a filter doesn't mean anything in the broad scheme of things.

TrichaelMan, tyhill111, y JTB les gusta esto
Minnesota, USA

I don't get why 60 and 120 FPS are lumped together but console and PC are separated

Waifu y snoolsie les gusta esto
United Kingdom

Classic RE2 has platforms separated because a lot of them are literally different versions.

N64 has 2D movement controls; none of the other versions have this. Gamecube has the ability to skip cutscenes (and additionally doesn't count loading times towards IGT whereas every other version does), PC has doorskip, Dreamcast has an additional difficulty that means it cannot be placed anywhere else with the way speedrun.com is currently setup in terms of customisation.

Here on the other hand all the versions are on a feature level exactly the same, the main difference being performance which comes down to the hardware of your system... and not the game's version itself.

People in this very thread can barely agree on what to do. You have people thinking it should be 60/30, people thinking 120 is okay, people thinking console/PC shouldn't be separate, people thinking ALL consoles should be separate and PC. That's why the mods have chosen this way currently. Which is to not make alterations so hastily, especially changes that could drastically affect the leaderboard in the long term.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
MASH y CursedToast les gusta esto

Top 120 players should test the same route they use on 120 on 60 and see what the difference is. I dont think its a coincidence 120 is dominating the board.

Separating 60 and 120, is like separating xbox one/ps4 and xbox one x/ps4 pro. on the other hand. Shouldn't happen.

If they released a different version and buffed the movement speed slightly would it be in the same category? Or buffed the knife damage. This is basically what frame rate does. That we know of so far.

United States

If I may make a recommendation, should a split be decided on, it should look like: -PC Variable FPS -PC 60FPS -Console

I was told that Xterminator did a test of the knife at variable FPS and found that the damage/hits scale basically infinitely the higher your FPS, so it's going to be ultra broken as the game is run on newer and newer hardware. The knife is not bound by a tickrate. Personally I'd vote toward separating them. It's a quirk of RE Engine for sure, as this is basically the Axe clip from RE7, only you can use it pretty much anywhere and it scales infinitely.

RebeccaRE, Darazanjoll y 6 otros les gusta esto
Massachusetts, USA
He/Him, She/Her
6 years ago

This knife is single handedly making me not enjoy speedrunning this game.

TBH, separate the categories. I did a speedrun at 120 fps and 60fps and they feel vastly different.

United States

The knife is also what is causing most of the problems...we want to see how stuff plays out before jumping onto another change within the boards so give it time and see what all happens. All boards are bound to change in time so be patient.

MASH les gusta esto
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