Potential for new any% glitch

My friend plays Half Blox 2 and was recently toying around with the train when he was spinning his mouse at the back of the train and clipped to the behind the train and got flinged into the second map immediately. From what i've heard, he only got this to happen on his, like 26th try. I just wanted to know if anyone already knows about this glitch because it might have potential for WR, but does have a slight RNG factor to it.

Kentucky, USA

I don't think that's true. The second map is a completely other place, rendering it impossible to get there without actually hitting the trigger.

Florida, USA
Any/All, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Yea I don't think that's true either. There is no trigger for the second map in the train. Perhaps we may be misunderstanding but unless I see it happen I don't think it's true.


What I meant is that you get flinged into the trigger that's far away, not in the train itself.


You get clipped into the train and the game realizes you are in the train so try's to get you out and flings you into the room with the trigger


the trigger isn't in the train, but the train flings you into the trigger. It makes you fly over to the correct place.

Florida, USA
Any/All, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

The only way I can imagine that working is if you get a super jump which can happen when attempting a crouch clip. You fall down onto the ground and by spamming crouch and jump while on the ground you will shoot up into the sky. However, super jump only gives vertical speed so you would have to go super high into the sky and land by the trigger. The time it would take to fall would be several seconds making it slower than current Any% strat. Also if this isn't in any way consistent it isn't viable either.

Florida, USA
Any/All, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

There has never been a case where clipping into a wall has caused the player to shoot out of it so I'm pretty sure what happened to your friend was a super jump.


Ok, thanks for explaining. Was just wondering whether it can be used more often once understood. I guess doing an exact superjump that happens to fling you into the exact horizontal speed and vertical speed you need and lands in the exact room while still at a high speed that just happens to have the trigger is pretty rare.

XxLavaDexX y notCheezey les gusta esto
United States

yes someone manages to go fast enough to phase through multiple walls right into the trigger