question about a new category
2 years ago

Could we get divorce ms. floppa% in here?

Skydragon les gusta esto

if you look at the "can we have a backroom%" thread cosmic said "it doesn't take a lot of skill unfortunately" so this probably will not be added/made

Skydragon les gusta esto

Backrooms% is more of luck, you can do some strats in divorce% which can save some time


what are the strats lol? its just get grilled cheese and spam until you get msfloppa and then divorce papers

Colorado, USA

Yah it should be added

United States
Super moderadorFOPAWESOME
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

useless category idea tbh, we have quite a few

StarSpeed les gusta esto
Illinois, USA

boburham yes


can we add a $1,000 category?

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So I added some stuff for the community. It includes two guides ([00] General Route and [10] Floppa Cycles) and also a discord server (click on the discord icon below the follow button or just click this link ). If you have any suggestions for me or the moder

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