Video issues
8 years ago
United States

I got a run I would like to post, but Twitch problems split the video into three parts, and some of the video wasn't recorded at all: the parts between the splits. If I was able to combine the videos, would I be able to submit the run? Or am I out of luck for this?

Georgia, USA

To address a different point, the splits do not matter at all for verification. Splits are purely for you and/or your viewers to compare against yourself and do not matter at all compared to just the final time.

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New Category: All Battles

Hello everyone! As some of you may have noticed, recently we have created a brand-new category extension: All Battles. This category extension involves having the runner do an Any% Glitchless run, but this time they have to duel every single unique deck in the game. This means beating every opponent

8 months ago
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