Rules (last updated: 23 April 2021)
5 years ago

Before attempting and submitting runs, please make sure to view the category's rules (click the "View Rules" button on the leaderboard page) to make sure your runs are valid. Each set of rules contains a link to the PSR wiki page for common category rules, which should likewise be reviewed before any attempts/submissions.

In general, Category Extensions leaderboards are less serious than the official PSR leaderboard categories. Failing to comply with rules once won't be a huge deal, and I'd like to avoid rejecting runs due to innocuous mistakes if there is a simple enough fix. In the end, these still are leaderboards, so we'll have to have to enforce some minimum standards.

Some other notes:

  • We can use Category Extensions as a testing ground for prospective rules changes for the official leaderboards. For instance, I've decided to tentatively allow BGB 1.5.7 (in speedrun mode) as an approved emulator.
  • A mod will add a post to this thread whenever there is a "major" rules update, and also post in #gsc-category-extensions on the PSR discord.
  • Category guidelines can be found here.
Editado por el autor 4 years ago

Updates - 14 Mar 2020

Posting a couple of (relatively) major rules updates:

  • Rules for the "Alt Main Pokes" were updated, to allow for more Pokémon to be used in runs, and to better match rule-sets across generations. Existing runs were not affected.
  • Gambatte-Speedrun r717 was released a few days ago. The new release will be required for runs starting 10 Apr 2020, but r664 users should update as soon as possible.

For posterity, the full new language for the Alt Main Pokes runs is now:

  • If you can acquire your main Pokémon before defeating Whitney, you must do so. Otherwise, you must acquire it with the fewest amount of badges required to do so.
  • After acquiring your main Pokémon, it must be used against every enemy Pokémon defeated through the end of the run. Generally speaking, this means if experience is given, it should be able to receive some naturally, i.e. without the Exp. Share. Exception: If your main Pokémon is acquired before the first badge, it is not required to be used until after Falkner is defeated.
  • To be considered "main", the Pokémon must be used to defeat a majority of all enemy Pokémon defeated throughout the run.

The old rules for "Alt Main Pokes" were:

  • The Pokémon used must be caught before defeating the second gym leader.
  • The Pokémon used must finish at a higher level than any other Pokémon owned throughout the run.
Editado por el autor 4 years ago

Updates - 17 Mar 2020

BGB 1.5.8 was released today, with improved features for speedrun mode (including on-screen display messages), and an explicit setting for the Game Boy Player platform. The new release (running with both Game Boy Player platform + speedrun mode) will be required for runs starting 10 Apr 2020, but anyone using 1.5.7 will want to update as soon as possible.

There is a bit more configuration involved to setting up BGB for speedruns, but this set of images should help verify your settings:

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
California, USA

Updates - 23 April 2021

BGB 1.5.9 was released today, with minor improvements to speedrun mode (blocking cheat codes rather than just announcing their use), along with general accuracy improvements. The new release will be required for runs starting 23 April 2021, and users should update as soon as possible. Settings (relatively) haven't changed, so the old set of images still applies for verifying settings.

On a minor note, runs will be requiring audio present as much as possible throughout runs. This has unofficially/inconsistency been the ruling for a while, but it is now written in the misc. rules.

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
California, USA

Updates - 17 June 2021

A relatively minor update, I've updated the Manipless rules following a suggestion from pokeguy to re-word how the lottery attendant is handled, now just banning winning from the lottery (which prevents abuse of the intended rules still, but doesn't automatically invalidate a run if someone accidentally talks to the lottery attendant).

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
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