emerald emulator problems
2 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

what emulator should I use and how do I get Pokémon emerald

United States

Emulator: https://www.speedrun.com/pkmnemerald/thread/g3pc6

You can get the game from eBay or a retro game store.

notcooper les gusta esto
Pennsylvania, USA

But once I buy the game how do I get it onto my pc

Ohio, USA

It's against Terms of Service to Discuss.

United States

It’s not against the TOS to discuss how to dump a game from your cartridge to your PC. I just don’t know how to do it. I’m sure you can find a YouTube video with instructions.

Pennsylvania, USA

oh good Idea I'm stupid

Pennsylvania, USA

but is it okay in mudkip manip to get a female zigzagoon and the right vesion of mud kip

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