Video en riesgo
El video de esta carrera corre el riesgo de ser eliminado por Twitch
Ganonless in 42m 55s by
El video de esta carrera corre el riesgo de ser eliminado por Twitch
First run! Lots of silly mistakes, but I'm super stoked to work on improving my time.
OBS decided to cook my audio for this stream/recording in specific :/ Next runs I'll verify how it sounds live.
División de tiempos
Proporcionado por
# | Nombre | División | Terminado en |
1 | Escape Oro | 2m 30s 963ms | 2m 30s 963ms |
2 | Kakariko | 1m 18s 834ms | 3m 49s 797ms |
3 | Bottle | 2m 34s 634ms | 6m 24s 431ms |
4 | BoTW | 1m 42s 392ms | 8m 06s 823ms |
5 | Master Sword | 4m 43s 961ms | 12m 50s 784ms |
6 | Egg | 6m 40s 976ms | 19m 31s 760ms |
7 | Tunic | 3m 07s 149ms | 22m 38s 909ms |
8 | Bolero | 2m 41s 931ms | 25m 20s 840ms |
9 | Frog | 3m 01s 870ms | 28m 22s 710ms |
10 | Fire Temple Oro | 1m 57s 302ms | 30m 20s 012ms |
11 | Hammer Oro | 9m 27s 682ms | 39m 47s 694ms |
12 | NoGanon | 3m 07s 886ms | 42m 55s 580ms |
Twitch Highlights no longer allowed for submissions
Hello all,
We're sure you've heard about the troubling news from Twitch by now. Anyone who has more than 100 hours of Highlights saved on Twitch, will have anything going over that limit automatically removed on April 19th. This means that if you've submitted Twitch highlights on Speedrun.c
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