What does the "No Unlocks" in the Rules mean?
3 years ago

Yea, the question's above, I don't really get this rule, like, are they about unlocking chests? Unlocking characters? Unlocking skills? If it's the last one, it makes Speedrunning the last bosses really difficult because we can only fight them with a load already in progress, and we just won't make another load and play from the beginning!


Heya, no unlocks simply means you can't unlock anything from the "skill tree" in which you unlock different stuff with the gems dropped by bosses


Oh, umm... That's the Worst case possible then...

New Brunswick, Canada

Hey Seaquills! The reason for the "No unlocks" rule is to normalize most runs in Random Seed, since any version <1.4.5 allows you to unlock and test items. However, this change shouldn't really affect your runs or save files too much.

Any of the Any% Random Seed bosses (except Argus, the first one) can be ran on a loaded save file. You just have to reset your unlocks if you have any (using the boss gems), and this means you can only use the default characters or any you get from dlc (including alter egos) in your runs.

The ONLY exceptions to this rule are the Any% Set Seed category and the All Bosses category. In Set Seed - anything goes. So you can use all your unlocks and base characters. In All Bosses - your target is Prometheus. You must defeat all other bosses as well, but you can take as many runs and use whatever unlocks you like until you beat them all.

In regards to Random Seed, it is meant to get more challenging as you progress; so if you pick a target like Cursed Athena, you're expected to beat every boss before her (Argus, Hal, Zeus) without the use of unlocks; think of it as a showcase of your skill at the game!