== Divine Varrfarrinn == :: Mash the right trigger for speed and get close to the first group of enemies and then perform the deadly butterfly attack A+A+Y. :: After the cutscene attack only the archers on both sides, don't bother with the commander on the left side. :: Once the archers are taken out go straight to the area where Aspharr comes. Then just attack with X spam.
== Outside Wyandeek == Don't kill the goblins at the start instead rush towards the goblin camp. You will get notified to fight them before going into the camp. While it is fast to use Inphyy's deadly attack on the enemies build up your blue orb meter before going into the camp. After the cutscene immediately use it and when enough are killed you should get another cutscene. Then go straight for the goblin commander. Now you can use the deadly attack on the remaining goblins or use it a couple times to build up your orb attack and use that.
== Ywa-Ue-Uar Forest == It seems at the start you need to kill 450 enemies to activate the cutscene and progress further.