Dangit. WR on fastest lap on watkins glen... but didn't record it.
3 months ago
Utah, USA

I did this 00:55:468 run about 3 months ago but have not uploaded it yet along with about 30 other runs for NASCAR 2000 and other racing games.

Pennsylvania, USA

dang! Nice run! It's one thing to get that super tricky section clean without touching the grass of death, but always have trouble keeping peddle down in the section after turn 1. always gotta come off throttle to avoid the walls. Look forward to see where you're getting an extra 2 secs!

roosetheroader les gusta esto
Pennsylvania, USA

any chance you can share ur setup? Im sure i could figure it out with time using your high speed but would appreciate if you could save me some time.

roosetheroader les gusta esto
Utah, USA

I'm not sure how the car was set up exactly, it was months ago and I didn't even plan on doing a run that night. I just switched on the N64, selected Watkins Glen, and made adjustments until I was happy with the car. A lot of the fun for me is that process. Maybe someday I can revisit that track and I'm sure that time can be beat with the right car and determination.

Utah, USA

I saw your picture and it inspired me to attempt this again. I ran a lot of laps in the mid 55s but what made this one possible was just better driving. Hopefully it can be submitted soon, I haven't even watched it yet.

SaltyChip les gusta esto
Pennsylvania, USA

So I’ve watched your vids and compare your speeds in turns and I’m positive you drive with manual shifting. I’m the type of gamer that prefers to pick “medium” difficulty for most games except for sports games that i learn inside and out. There is no “clutch” in this game. Am i correct? Or is there a spicy way to shift gears? I know you don’t wanna give out your methods and i can’t blame ya, and i don’t expect a comprehensive answer. But if you could just give me a confirmation that there is a small combo to switch gears or is it just purely based on where you are on the track and where the rpm’s are out… aka it’s just knowing when to gear up or down.

The audio of your buttons being pressed just sound like there was a clutch or something and made me wonder and try things. Things I’m not proud of… hahah

roosetheroader les gusta esto
Utah, USA

Hi, I did the run with an automatic transmission because how precise each section of the track has to be approached, I don't complicate things with shifting when the game can do it for you. I am all for realism but in this case it's about that time in the corner and whatever works. There is a lot of clicking but I think what can also be heard is steering the car. The N64 joystick is plastic and clicky and I assume it's as noisy as the other buttons when being used aggressively. For me the foundation of each run of NASCAR 2000 or any other game is mindset and determination, any other aspect can vary.

Pennsylvania, USA

I def can understand if the joystick is the noise of the clicks. I use directional pad I can’t trust the analog stick to be accurate enough for what I want. I thought for sure, though you were definitely using manual transmission and I’m shocked that it’s auto just based off where the gears are in certain corners. I cannot replicate those speeds currently. I’m definitely missing something in the car for sure because that’s the only thing that it can be at this point..

Pennsylvania, USA

Edit: 10 mins after last post, a fellow runner gave me a solid and got me away from only using the triangle as a gauge of what makes my car fast or not. I was totally matching my spoiler numbers to my wedge became the triangle showed it was the fastest with the most handling possible.

Just one private message gave me a whole new outlook at how to edit the setups. I couldn’t understand how some of these speeds were being carried in certain turns on Watkins glen without hitting the walls. I was starting to think emulators were not correct to the original code or their was a secret clutch or secret way to use manual transmission.

I have quickly dabbled with manual transmission and just like every other racing game, it def is the OP way to go for the fastest possible times but im Glad auto is getting the records now and for the foreseeable future.

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