Rule change to all tasks+ suggestion
3 years ago
Michigan, USA

When I was running all tasks I noticed pretty quickly that the stunt task for each level gives you way to much time and I end up sitting and waiting for around a minute. So for all tasks+ I had the idea that when you reach the stunt goal you should be allowed to quit the task and have that still count as completing the stunt task. This would make the category even faster and make the stunt split more important to execute well.

Colorado, USA

That feels like it kinda defeats the purpose, all tasks+ is supposed to complete all tasks but with everything already unlocked for potential route differentiation, since quitting in the middle doesn't really count as completing a task, I don't really get why that should be allowed. Besides, you could use the extra allotted time in Stunt to reach farther tasks that might be a bit out of the way in a route without really losing time in AT+, so I actually feel like that could possibly benefit the run more.

Michigan, USA

I don't think it defeats the purpose because when you reach the goal a message pops up saying stunt complete. Also, it still gives you way too much time even when travelling to far away tasks. I think it would be cooler if there was a glitch or exploit to end the timer but I don't think that exists. I'm fine with the rules staying the same, I just wanted to suggest this idea before I started to run all tasks+

Nevada, USA

I like this suggestion outside of it removing the previous record holders. If you're currently the first place holder for the runs then I would say who cares but otherwise you'd have to ask the other holders what they think.

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Publicado 3 years ago
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Publicado 3 years ago
Publicado 3 years ago
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