New Game Categories and Rules
2 years ago
United States

First off I want to say that nothing here is set in stone. I've wanted to add new categories and stuff to this game for a while now and I'm happy to finally have the time to do so. If you disagree with anything here, please feel free to let me know. Any suggestions or feedback, positive or negative, I would love to hear it.

My goal is to make sure that everyone can run the game the way they enjoy running it. Whether that be with hints or without, with mistakes, without mistakes, individual difficulties, and whatever else. The rules I've added were designed to support those play styles and there may be additional ones to be added, removed, changed, etc.

If you see something out of place, missing, etc. please let me know. You can message me directly, reply to this thread, or start a new thread.

Thanks, Trey (Gundwn)

Different categories for different playstyles and preferences. If you just want to rush through puzzles then Any% might be your thing. If you're like me and you want to try and solve puzzles then 100% is for you. Both Any% and 100% have w/ Autofill categories for anyone that hates manual note entry and wishes they could just skip to the good part (in my mind this is like the "No Intro" category for the Resident Evil 3 Remake).

Completing the puzzles as quick as possible is all that matters. This means that mistakes are allowed and speed is all that matters.

Accuracy is just as important as speed. Unlike Any%, mistakes are NOT allowed so think twice before guessing.

In addition to the two general categories there's also the w/ Autofill categories for anyone that prefers pre-filled notes. This category allows the Show All Notes setting to be enabled for anyone that likes to have notes pre-filled on new puzzles.

Sick of the same 9x9 grid layout? Enough with all of the neatly arranged rows and columns. Put the sh-, I mean, stuff, wherever. All categories mentioned above can also be done for the Irregular mode.

Full video proof of the run is required.

Starting a puzzle can only be done one of two ways:

1. After Completing a Puzzle

  • Selecting "Play Again" on the results screen

2. Abandoning a Puzzle

  • Selecting "Yes" on the abandon puzzle prompt

For "Individual Level" runs either of the above are allowed to show that the puzzle completed was not previously shown/started.

For "Full Game" runs the first difficulty can be started using either of the above. Subsequent difficulties must be abandoned after selecting them from the main menu. This ensures a new puzzle is started for each and every difficulty in the run.

It's recommended to have a subscription to Microsoft Sudoku to not have any ads in-game. For mobile platforms this is included with Game Pass Ultimate or can be purchased through the Play Store or App Store. For PC this is included in both Game Pass Ultimate as well as PC Game Pass and can also be purchased separately through the Windows App Store with a Microsoft account.

Timing Method: Real Time

1. All difficulties must be completed (in any order, though ascending or descending is preferred) 2. Each difficulty must start a new puzzle

  • You must abandon each puzzle after selecting the difficulty to ensure a new puzzle is shown

3. Time starts when the first puzzle is started 4. Time ends when the last puzzle is completed 5. (Optional) Show game settings after the run is completed

  • Makes verification easier and only takes a second to open the menu and scroll through them all

Timing Method: In-Game Time

1. Must include one of the two methods of starting a new puzzle

  • New puzzle is started by selecting either "Play Again" after completing a puzzle or by selecting "Yes" to abandon the current puzzle

2. Summary screen must be shown

The following items must be shown (scroll through them if they're not all displayed):

  • Difficulty
  • Time
  • Mistakes
  • Hints Used

3. (Optional) Show game settings after the run is completed

  • After the summary screen select either "Done" to return to the main menu or "Play Again" to load start another puzzle and open the game settings using the menu button.
  • Highlight Houses: User Preference
  • Show Timer: Enabled
  • Show Mistakes

Any%: User Preference 100%: Enabled

  • Show Guides: User Preference

  • Block Duplicates: User Preference

  • Show Remaining: User Preference

  • Update Notes: User Preference

  • Show All Notes

  • Any%: Disabled

  • Any% w/ Autofill: Enabled

  • 100%: Disabled

  • 100% w/ Autofill: Enabled


  • Video proof required
  • Start by selecting "Play Again" or "Yes" to abandon puzzle
  • Hints NOT allowed (must show 0 on results screen(s))


  • Mistakes allowed (i.e. 0 or more mistakes on results screen(s))


  • Mistakes NOT allowed (i.e. 0 mistakes on results screens)
Editado por el autor 2 years ago
Ohio, USA

I noticed that the old runs aren't deleted but also aren't showing on the leaderboard. Are they still valid runs? Can they be updated to the new board?

Michigan, USA

Maybe u should add 100% to the full game speedrun. You know cause i wanna actually lay sudoku where i have to solve a puzzle not just click and hope i get lucky.

Borrado por el autor
United States

@Hunter9649 I can do that. I wanted to change it so that the "full game" runs don't count the menus and load times. I think they should just be the sum of the IGTs since that's what really matters but I'm open to feedback if anyone disagrees. Sorry I've been busy lately and fell behind on verifications but we should be all caught up now. I'll give this a couple of boosts to make up for the delay.

Estadísticas del juego
Últimos hilos
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