How to speedrun in Metal: Hellsinger
How to speedrun in Metal: Hellsinger
Actualizado 2 years ago por The_Casual

Want to learn how I speedrun this game and possibly learn something that could improve your times for Individual Levels (IL) or All Forced Encounter (AFE) runs? or is this your first time speedrunning the game and you want to learn what to do for each hell and what loadout to run?

Well I made these quick guides that will show you how I personally run each individual level with speed and consistency.

For Voke watch this video:

For Stygia watch this video:

For Yhelm watch this video:

For Incaustis watch this video:

For Gehenna watch this video:

For Nihil watch this video:

For Acheron watch this video:

For Sheol watch this video:

Some things I do not explain in these videos I will put down below.

Jump Dashing: Pressing Jump and Dash at the same time to get you off the ground and dashing while in air to give your a speed boost thats faster than normally dashing.

Resurrect Skipping: Spam the "ESC" key on your keyboard when you die until it brings you to the screen to choose the option "Resurrect" and then spam the "ESC" key on your keyboard again until your back in the game.

The shortcut up the staircase in Yhelm after its second forced encounter was founded by DrouwGon

The shortcut on Incaustis after the first encounter to save about a second or two to get to the bridge faster was founded by DrouwGon

The shortcut at the start of Sheol to save about a second or two was founded by DrouwGon

Skip all cutscenes by spamming or double tapping your "ESC" key on your keyboard

The "Space" key on your keyboard can be used to select most options in the main screen, hell select screen, and even the leaderboard screen after completing each hell.

To quickly change between Hells during a full 8 Hell All Forced Encounter run at the end of each level you would spam the "Space" key on your keyboard until you are out of the leaderboards. While it is loading your Hell Select screen you want to move your right hand to the arrow keys and the enter button. The moment you can select a hell just hit "Right Arrow" key once and "Enter" key once, and with your left hand spam the "Space" key until it starts loading the choose loadout screen. If you are fast enough you can click "Enter Hell" on the choose loadout screen before it even fully loads. After you choose your loadout and click "Enter Hell" then you will want to spam the "Space" key until you activate the next "Enter Hell" button after loading and spam the "ESC" key to skip cutscene and WALLAH! you just choose your next hell in just a couple seconds.