Any% Easy in 1h 10m 39s by
División de tiempos
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# | Nombre | División | Terminado en |
1 | -Rangers Lead the Way | 2m 45s 171ms | 2m 45s 171ms |
2 | -The Rescue Mission | 4m 07s 814ms | 6m 52s 985ms |
3 | -Sabotage the Motorpool | 1m 47s 014ms | 8m 39s 999ms |
4 | -Lyren was here, meow | 2m 00s 001ms | 10m 40s |
5 | -Grounding the Airfield | 2m 55s 415ms | 13m 35s 415ms |
6 | -Lighthouse | 1m 37s 857ms | 15m 13s 272ms |
7 | Mission 1 - LtT | 0m 02s 770ms | 15m 16s 042ms |
8 | -Secret Documents of the Kriegsmarine | 2m 57s 139ms | 18m 13s 181ms |
9 | -Naxos Prototype | 1m 10s 959ms | 19m 24s 140ms |
10 | --Inside the U-529 | 0m 47s 025ms | 20m 11s 165ms |
11 | -Cover Blown | 0m 44s 578ms | 20m 55s 743ms |
12 | -Escape from Trondheim | 1m 40s 267ms | 22m 36s 010ms |
13 | Mission 2 - StU-529 | 0m 02s 985ms | 22m 38s 995ms |
14 | -Omaha Beach - The Landing | 3m 45s 237ms | 26m 24s 232ms |
15 | -Omaha Beach - Inside the Bunker | 0m 40s 298ms | 27m 04s 530ms |
16 | -Battle in the Bogace | 4m 40s 884ms | 31m 45s 414ms |
17 | -The Nebelwerfer Hunt | 2m 36s 804ms | 34m 22s 218ms |
18 | Mission 3 - OO | 0m 02s 991ms | 34m 25s 209ms |
19 | -Rendezvous with the Resistance | 2m 35s 027ms | 37m 00s 236ms |
20 | -Diverting the Enemy | 2m 44s 600ms | 39m 44s 836ms |
21 | -The Command Post | 1m 45s 044ms | 41m 29s 880ms |
22 | Mission 4 - BEL | 0m 02s 477ms | 41m 32s 357ms |
23 | -Sniper's Last Stand - Outskirts | 1m 00s 408ms | 42m 32s 765ms |
24 | -Sniper's Last Stand - City Hall Oro | 3m 49s 587ms | 46m 22s 352ms |
25 | -The Hunt for King Tiger - Country Road | 2m 01s 310ms | 48m 23s 662ms |
26 | -The Hunt for King Tiger - Destroyed Village | 1m 48s 433ms | 50m 12s 095ms |
27 | -Sniper bridge | 3m 44s 180ms | 53m 56s 275ms |
28 | Mission 5 - TDotT | 0m 02s 092ms | 53m 58s 367ms |
29 | -The Siegfried Forest - Flak Guns | 1m 20s 218ms | 55m 18s 585ms |
30 | -The Siegfried Forest - Bunker Hill | 1m 11s 942ms | 56m 30s 527ms |
31 | -Die Sturmgewehr | 3m 08s 440ms | 59m 38s 967ms |
32 | -The Communications Blackout | 1m 52s 746ms | 1h 01m 31s 713ms |
33 | -The Schmerzen Express | 1m 50s 465ms | 1h 03m 22s 178ms |
34 | -Yeetus Deletus the Fetus | 3m 46s 549ms | 1h 07m 08s 727ms |
35 | -Inner Facility | 1m 15s 744ms | 1h 08m 24s 471ms |
36 | -Chemical Plant | 0m 50s 496ms | 1h 09m 14s 967ms |
37 | -Final Run | 0m 59s 764ms | 1h 10m 14s 731ms |
38 | Bringen Sie Mir ein PB PB PB! | 0m 25s 256ms | 1h 10m 39s 987ms |
Corridas recientes
Nivel: Mission 1: Lighting the Torch
Nivel: Mission 6: The Return to Schmerzen
Nivel: Mission 3: Operation Overlord