LiveSplit doesn't work (original topic)
5 years ago

Hey y'all,

I've been trying severals ways for making the Autosplitter work, but I can't manage to understand why it doesn't.

First of all, even after ticking the "Always on Top" option in LiveSplit settings, the timer does still not appearing above my fullscreen game.

Thus, I installed DxWnd which allows me to run ME in windowed Mode. But still, the timer does'nt ever start.

If you guys could help me with this crap, that'll be awesome, cause I'm really interested in ME Any%, and using a RTA timer for it is just awful.


Also, I've been searching for hours something on the Internet, but as I didn't found anything, hopefully you guys will be efficient ;)


Try windowed without dxwnd, it could be a permission issue. Also, if you are using the GOG version you will need a supported exe (see resources) If none of those work feel free to join the discord and get some more suggestions.

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