Are resource packs allowed?
4 years ago
Texas, USA

I would like to use a pack that I have, but im afraid that my speedruns wont count if I use it. My pack dosnt give me any help or boosts either.

KilleDragon les gusta esto

You can use resource packs, there are no rules for packs, but x-ray and stuff like that.

KilleDragon les gusta esto
United States

As long as they do not provide an advantage (UHC ores and such) yeah

@vMichael we do have resource pack rules, please read them :)

Crsuh2er0, Puplee y 2 otros les gusta esto

How about full bright?


@Cityrideto Full bright is not allowed but you can increase the gamma up to 500% (gamma=5.0 in the options.txt). You can find this in the .minecraft folder


When in doubt... don't use it

Kalaphant, LSD_Gaga, y Maccysundae les gusta esto
New Jersey, USA
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Just be logical. If something gives some kind of advantage, dont use it. EZ PZ

Kalaphant, Puplee y 2 otros les gusta esto

I'm testing a lot of texture packs, and I plan to start publishing a list of allowed textures in a while. There are more than 4000 textures at the moment and this is a lot of work... I will take into account all the requirements of speedrun, test the resource packs, and prepare screenshots. This is a big project. I think this work may take more than 2 months. For now, you can follow the basic principles recommended here by others.

LSD_Gaga, Puplee, y Maccysundae les gusta esto
København, Denmark

can you use a texture pack that makes the fire when you get hit by a blaze smaller?


@DonutL I don't think so because it provides an advantage to see more since the fire blocks the screen. However, I could be wrong, but it's best not to use texture packs anyways.

New Jersey, USA
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

again, stuff like that gives an advantage. So no.

Puplee y LeonD011 les gusta esto

Although, there are people that changes some small images that are small advantages, like bread and water buckets, I don't think this is a big difference


And I've seen people that changes also resource packs so they can see more vibrant and live colours

United States

is faithful 32x fine

United Kingdom

4 months ago...

Agelast les gusta esto

resource packs are okay as long as they:

don't change crosshair don't lower fire dont give you xray advantages don't make ores more visible don't change gamma

please stop asking if specific packs are okay to use.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
KingLavaCactus les gusta esto
United States

Resource Pack Rules Resource packs are allowed if they clearly and uncontroversially provide no advantage over the built-in resource packs. We recommend sticking with “faithful” resource packs, or ones with minor joke edits on rarely-seen objects. The following features are banned and will get your run rejected on a first offense: “UHC Ores,” or ores outlined in color to make them more visible Transparent inventory UIs Making commonly held items (particularly tools) smaller Any drastic changes that might affect contrast Anything intended to improve visibility

Banned features in “Vanilla Tweaks” include: Black Nether Bricks Better Bedrock Brighter Nether Clearer Water Shorter Grass / Tall Grass Ore Borders Fully Aged Crop Marker Age 25 Kelp Clear Banner Patterns Sticky Piston Sides Directional Hoppers Diminishing Tools Better Observers Visible Tripwires Visual Honey Stages The entire Unobtrusive Tab Crosshair Changes Wither Hearts Transparent UI Alternate Slime Colors

Similar features in other resource packs are also banned.

If your resource pack does not include anything explicitly banned and you made a good-faith effort to avoid anything advantageous, your run will not be rejected on a first offense. We may ask you to stop using a particular resource pack for future runs.

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
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