my 4:16 boss bash run was unlinked from my profile
4 years ago

hello, you guys unlinked my 4:16 boss bash run ( ) from my profile which is come from my deleted old account i don't know why are you unlink that run from my profile. can you link that run to my profile again?

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Texas, USA

That may've been from when someone was moving around runs (not entirely sure who, Thatch maybe? There were some other quirks that came up as well), I'm sure it'll get adjusted soon.


I really dont know what happened there now we only see no name on it . I was cleaning up the leaderboards who has no evidence(picture proof/ splits). What is youre older username account and I will add it

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Pear les gusta esto

thanks for responding my username is _ ( ) I have a black color in my username due to a bug when you set gradient name colour while having 1 letter in your username i also think this might be the reason why you can't see my username on there because my name colour and the game's theme color looks very similar

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
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