4 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Some minigames have an in-game timer, such as hedge honcho and domino effect, so why not make them categories in the level leaderboards? Just a suggestion.


records can be found on cyberscore, i guess it could still be added here but we'd have to add accounts that don't exist and extra work

Sylverize, Imaproshaman, y Th3on3C les gusta esto
Ontario, Canada

Oh ok :P


What levels do you want do add? I can gladly do this

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Pear, Otterstone_Gamer, y Th3on3C les gusta esto
Ontario, Canada

Oh idk stuff like domino effect, raft riot, hedge honcho, just minigames with an in-game timer or a high score category for minigames like cherry go round, rail riders or even study fall. I'm sure there are more but these are the ones off the top of my head

Pear les gusta esto

added now

Th3on3C les gusta esto
Ontario, Canada

Thanks! :)

Bourgogne, France

Study Fall would be kind of pointless, since the best possible score is very easily achievable. It would just result in basically everyone being tied for first. Hot Shots has a different problem: it does have a high score record, however it is capped at 9990 pts (which is hard to achieve, but possible) Hanger Management has a 2v2 and a Duel variant (or FFA in Score Scuffle), which work slightly differently Otherwise I can give a full list of minigames that have a time/score record (some have already been added, but that way I'm sure I haven't skipped any): Rail Riders, Hedge Honcho, Domino Effect, Cherry-Go-Round, Hot Shots, Pedal Pushers, Roller Coasters, Get the Lead Out, Twist and Route, Raft Riot, Hanger Management (2v2) Soil Toil, Cube Crushers, Sprinkler Scalers, Book It!, Hanger Management

Pear, Imaproshaman y 2 otros les gusta esto

I think highscore should'n be in the IL

PainPita les gusta esto
Colorado, USA

The problem now is we have stuff like Raft riot: Boss Bash showing up on people's run page and front page. Kind of wish you changed things properly before going through with this change, or considered why they weren't added in the first place.


Some games have highscore on but I agree that it shouldn't be there

Colorado, USA

I've seen boards with milliseconds as the score, and sorted by slowest first. I'd rather just wait for this

Texas, USA

I'd be happy to clean it up if I could be of any service, ran into a similar issue when I was setting up the Kid Icarus: Uprising board for the Chapters (in that game's case, literal individual levels) that I ended up fixing. Or, if not directly, make this proposal -- Set up Boss Rush to include the Sub-Categories of "Full Run" (better wording could be used, just an example), "Feed and Seed", "Hammer Chime", "Hexoskeleton", "Book Bash", Bowser's Block Party". This way, all the Boss Battle stuff is in one place. The current leaderboard would go into Full Run, and any IL runs for those 5 minigames would go into their respective categories. Then, from there, the Levels Leaderboard can be done with minigames. To go off of what Fabby said, those would be...

Hedge Honcho, Domino Effect, Pedal Pushers, Roller Coasters, Twist and Route, Raft Riot, Hanger Management (2v2) Soil Toil, Cube Crushers, Sprinkler Scalers, Book It!, Hanger Management

The only overlap there is Hanger Management, and it's possible to make 1v1 and 2v2 subcategories for that minigame. I took out four minigames, those being Rail Riders, Cherry-Go-Round, Hot Shots, and Get The Lead Out, as those are high score based minigames and not time-based (there is a timer but so do a lot of minigames, as opposed to the ones listed running via a stopwatch).

Pear, Creative_Commander, y puffy_hs les gusta esto
Georgia, USA

Yeah, this is a speedrun website. High Scores are not the purpose of the website. When you create high score runs, you just go against the purpose of this type of playing a game- not to get a high score, but to complete it quickest. Adding mini games built on high scores also causes an issue- better runs get lower placements. The run for Cherry-Go-Round is at .771 seconds(at this time) because it is a record for 77.1 inches. However, say I input my record, which is 108.3. That would give me a time of 1.083, which is automatically second. Because this mini game is about points(in distance) instead of speed, the point system just falls apart. Speedruns should stay for mini games. Maybe some sort of way to change it is to create a level category simply named “Mini games” or something and input the applicable mini games into that category(idea is from the New Super Mario Bros(Wii) categories for specific worlds). That way, it sets all the Mini games under the right classification(Not Boss Rush) and allows for 1 page for all of the mini games. Also, Joey’s list of Mini games with timers is accurate, so we could have a variety of levels to go with it as well. In general, the mini games with High Scores instead of timers don’t really need to be placed on this board, and the organization could also be improved as well.

This is just my two cents on this, so feel free to respond or tell me your opinion. I just feel like mini games meant to be given a high score shouldn’t be morphed into something they are not. -Creative

Georgia, USA

Yeah, this is a speedrun website. High Scores are not the purpose of the website. When you create high score runs, you just go against the purpose of this type of playing a game- not to get a high score, but to complete it quickest. Adding mini games built on high scores also causes an issue- better runs get lower placements. The run for Cherry-Go-Round is at .771 seconds(at this time) because it is a record for 77.1 inches. However, say I input my record, which is 108.3. That would give me a time of 1.083, which is automatically second. Because this mini game is about points(in distance) instead of speed, the point system just falls apart. Speedruns should stay for mini games. Maybe some sort of way to change it is to create a level category simply named “Mini games” or something and input the applicable mini games into that category(idea is from the New Super Mario Bros(Wii) categories for specific worlds). That way, it sets all the Mini games under the right classification(Not Boss Rush) and allows for 1 page for all of the mini games. Also, Joey’s list of Mini games with timers is accurate, so we could have a variety of levels to go with it as well. In general, the mini games with High Scores instead of timers don’t really need to be placed on this board, and the organization could also be improved as well.

This is just my two cents on this, so feel free to respond or tell me your opinion. I just feel like mini games meant to be given a high score shouldn’t be morphed into something they are not. -Creative


Ill talk to jumpyluff about this problem . Ill Get back to you

Creative_Commander les gusta esto
Ontario, Canada

Actually there's a setting on the leaderboards that allows the bigger times to be higher on the leaderboards, it was intended for high score categories. Idk if it's still there since the update, as high score games are not that well received by but if it is there, we shouldn't have a problem

Colorado, USA

Scores do work on the website because you can set times to be sorted from highest to lowest instead, so the .771 and 1.083 examples don't work. Personally, I'd just prefer to wait to see what actually does about hosting scores instead of a makeshift leaderboard, especially considering cyberscore has been around and active for a decade for this game. To be honest, I liked hosting the times for the minigames over there too and leaving this for Boss Bash and Story Mode just to keep things consistent. I didn't plan for any of this.

Spielpro les gusta esto

You can add other games where an in game timers is in

Pear les gusta esto
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