NivelPrimer lugar
Bounty Hunters
Minikit Bonuses
Invasion of Naboo
Escape from Naboo
Mos Espa Podrace
Retake Theed Palace
Darth Maul
Bounty Hunter Pursuit
Discovery on Kamino
Droid Factory
Jedi Battle
Gunship Cavalry
Count Dooku
Battle over Coruscant
Chancellor in Peril
General Grievous
Defense of Kashyyyk
Ruin of the Jedi
Darth Vader
Secret Plans
Through the Jundland Wastes
Mos Eisley Spaceport
Rescue the Princess
Death Star Escape
Rebel Attack
Hoth Battle
Escape from Echo Base
Falcon Flight
Cloud City Trap
Betrayal over Bespin
Jabba's Palace
The Great Pit of Carkoon
Speeder Showdown
The Battle of Endor
Jedi Destiny
Into the Death Star
Podrace (Original)
Anakin's Flight
Gunship Cavalry (Original)
A New Hope
New Town
Esta vista solo considera subcategorías que se aplican a todos los niveles. Hay 42 subcategorías específicas de nivel adicionales que se aplican. Puedes encontrar más información haciendo clic en un nivel.
Estadísticas del juego
Últimas noticias
Mobile Boards are here!

It's finally here! We have set up a new board for all mobile runners to submit to, and all of the mobile runs from the main board for TCS have been moved to this one. The 1p2c categories are no longer needed. The mobile categories are still also on the main board for now, but will be removed soon.

2 years ago
Últimos hilos
Publicado 1 month ago
2 respuestas
Publicado 2 years ago
0 respuestas