decoy glitch problem
6 years ago

hi everyone i've been paracticing Normal Any% for the FF relay and somehow it seems that more often than not the decoy will not go through the floor. when i ran the game reulgarly i never had this problem. only once in like 15 runs the decoy would stay on top but now it happens very regularly. framerate is on dynamic of course and i have no idea if there is something else that i'm missing and just used to do right.... at this point im considering reinstalling the game and see if that helps. any ideas?

Ontario, Canada

The reason behind Decoy's glitch, as I understand it, has to do with the Moogle not catching the floor boundary during a high refresh rate. If you have a slower PC where you get stutters or nonsmooth gameplay, it's very likely it's causing Decoy to behave as normal.

If there are too many processes going on in the background, then it could lower the rate of gameplay and cause what you are seeing. It is incredibly unlikely that a stealth patch was released by Square. Out of curiosity, see if you're still getting the Gyshal Green Glitch on Dynamic.

South Holland, Netherlands

the moogle will only fall through the floor if the FPS hits 60fps. lower it doesn't. so what D_winds said, you need to check if you can close some processes on the background to improve the framerate. it is not a really big deal if it doesn't through the floor because you can adjust the strategy on that but if it falls through the ground it's a extra win.


jep thank you guys. that's what i was afraid off. aparently my pc is just not what it used to be anymore since i never had this problem a year ago. i turned off everything that i could and will make doubly sure to have as few processes as possible running during the relay.

i also practised downing him without decoy going through the floor. it is a lot tougher but still doable (never ran the game on ps3 so i'm really not used to it)


ill also devote a couple of hours today to see if i can fiddle with the process priority in obs to make it more reliable and practise beating him without floor glitch some more '^^

and as much as it pains me i might consider not turning on local recording if that will lead to a better result

edit: yep disabeling a couple of background programs and slightly lowering the quality of my local recording seems to have done the trick. now it again works more often than not^^

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Good to hear. I know I use System Explorer, and make the LRFFXIII.exe as well as OBS.exe High Priority or Realtime to get those few extra frames. Certainly helps that the whole Steam library is on a SSD too.

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