formless ending end on final door or shot?
5 years ago
United States

an alternate to this question is is it known which ending is fastest yet?

i just completed my first run of this game after mostly routing it myself. my choices led me to the formless ending. i just completed my run of the game with a 1:09 and i realized there is technically a final input you still need to do which is shoot the gun. would timing end on this input or on the door input as the other endings?

final input side, if going for formless is slower than the other endings then really the answer to this question is irrelevant.

the all endings rules make mention of this final input but the any% rules dont so i was just wondering which is it.


California, USA

The fastest ending is the Flame ending. Shoot the Right Mannequin, Give up on the Dog, Shoot the Puppets, and Obey the Director in the bloody hallway.

KaweedFul y lanzaa les gusta esto
United States

ah gotcha. only difference was i would shoot the girl instead of puppets. i didnt do any testing but in my head i somehow figured shooting her was faster.

thanks for the quick reply!

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