11 months ago
United States

Was conceiving some insane category that I'd like to call "Painful%" for lack of a better name. Think of it as just completing the most difficult challenge run possible, while completing all objectives.

Complete the game on Pain Mode in Definitive Edition with the following goals done:

  • obtaining all party members
  • completing all caves (fighting the rando army in the 4th cave in area 1 and completing the joy lab are the main things here)
  • completing all islands (obtaining Dandy Boy/Snubby/Silk Poncho from resort island, beating Jonathan on dismal island, and obtaining both Ollie and Fly from garbage island)
  • completing all optional fights (Former Friend, Crush Mahone, Morty, Tree Man, Punkert, Beady / Satan, Laser Agar, Doctor, Blue, Peter / Flaming Man, the Road Scholars, The Pretty Boys, The Blue Rockets, and Rex Thunderstorm, thus requiring you to lose 2 party members at random to kidnappings, along with giving up Terry to Columbo)
  • completing all dojos
  • completing Brad's Nightmare in its entirety
  • while having never used Joy
  • choosing to lose both arms, and to top it all off;
  • buying the Student Creed from Bob Friday in Karate Island for 1,000 mags

I think the hardest part of this is not using Joy, personally. I honestly don't know how possible Manifestation of Marty is to beat without Joy, or if it's possible at all. I don't remember enough about the fight to remember how much of an impact it makes on it. But nonetheless, do you think this is too insane or difficult? I think this may just be the hardest category possible for Lisa while also still being very interesting.

I'll probably attempt a run of this sometime this week, I'm currently binging the Half-Life series, so I'll give this an attempt soon enough. I'm sure it'll be enough to make me wanna pull a Tom Brightside Miller to myself, and I have no idea how long it'll take me. But I think it'll be fun.

Editado por el autor 11 months ago
United States

Biggest issue would be... buckets. (self explanatory)

And then the 3 hour Marty fight, along with everything else

United States

I think Buckets won't be of much issue. sametonbo proved in his run of all characters that realistically, it's about a ~5 minute timeloss to get Buckets. But RNG has to be willing, and willing it might not be. And planning the saves around it and figuring out how many party members you're willing to lose before Brad's Nightmare is the real test of endurance here. It's a big game of balance that if messed up, may mess up one or the other.


If you can do that, it will be a lot of fun!

However, there are many parts that are likely to be a game of luck.

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